Page 131 - CURAJ Information Handbook for SC ST Cell
P. 131
(ii) Verify all the requisite documents uploaded by the applicant from the record of
College/Institute and recommended the same to the Security Directorate, Railway
(iii) Verify all the requisite documents uploaded by the applicant related with service
certificate, dependent certificate, PPO/discharge book (I to IV category), Category
claimed by the applicant as per order of preference and other eligibility criteria.
(iv) Consolidate the information received from Colleges/Institutions and prepare merit list
for fresh applicants according to quota allotted to each zonal Railways as per Annexure-
I. In case there is vacancy in the quota of a zonal railway, it is filled up by excess
candidates of other railways by preparing combined merit list. List of applicants
selected under renewal category is also prepared.
(v) List of selected applicants along with bank particulars will be sent on line to PFMS.
(vi) Calculate total scholarship amount required to be sanctioned under PMSS and process
for credit/ transfer of scholarship directly into the bank account of the beneficiaries
through Public Financial Management System (PFMS).
(vii) PFMS- Validate bank accounts of the selected applicants from respective bank and
credit/transfer of scholarship directly into the bank account of the beneficiaries.
Ministry of Railways-Process for payment of scholarship from PMO.
For this listed college/institute/university, RPF(Ministry of Railways) will be given a login ID &
Password for logging on to the online system in order to scrutinize the received application
and verify the requisite documents uploaded by the applicants for sanction, payment and
tracking of scholarship by all the stake holders under PMSS.
15. Schedule of Activities (For Fresh & Renewal Scholarship)
S. No. Activity Last date
1. Filling of online application by the applicant on 30 September
Scrutiny/verification & confirmation of application by
College/Institute/University 10th October
Scrutiny/verification & confirmation of application,
3. Consolidation/preparation of merit list & processing for 20th October
sanctioning of scholarship by Security Dte./Ministry of Railways.
4. Validation of bank account by PFMS 30th October
Processing for sanctioning of scholarship by Security Dte.,
5. 10th November
Ministry of Railways from PMO
6. Disbursal of scholarship amount 15th December
Dispatch of personal letters from Hon’ble Prime Minister in
7. 15th December
appropriate language from Security Dte./Railway Board.
16. Roles and Responsibilities (In brief) of Stake Holders
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