Page 148 - CURAJ Information Handbook for SC ST Cell
P. 148


                                              R A N K  C E R T I F I C A T E
                        (To be issued by the University / Institute / Autonomous College )

                   It  is  certified  that  Mr./Ms.  ____________________________________________  Daughter/Son  of

            ____________________________________________  has  cleared  the  Under  Graduate  level  exam  (name  of

            Degree)      ____________________________________________________,   which   comes   under    the

            stream  of  Life  Sciences       ,  Physical  Sciences       ,  Chemical  Sciences        ,  Earth

            Sciences        ,  Mathematical  Sciences          ,  Social  Sciences       ,  Commerce         ,

            Languages         and  obtained  _________  Rank  among  ____________  (please  mention  the  total
            number of appeared students) students who had appeared for the above said examination at

            under-graduate  level  conducted  by  __________________________________________  University/

            Institution/ College.

                   It  is  also  certifying  that  our  University  /  Institution  /  College  is  covered  under  the

            following status (please tick the appropriate box):

               (i) Central University

               (ii) State University

               (ii) State University (Private)

               (iii) Deemed University (Private)

               (iv) Deemed to be University
               (v) Autonomous College

               (vi) Institute of National Importance

               (vii) Non-University affiliated Institute


                                                                                             Signature & Seal
                                                                                   Controller of Examination

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