Page 36 - CURAJ Information Handbook for SC ST Cell
P. 36

Employed parents/ guardians should obtain consolidated certificate from Revenue officer
                 for any other additional source of income.
            f.   Application  for  scholarship  should  be  submitted  by  student  by  30   November  of  the
                 academic year in which he is studying, provided that for valid reasons State authorities
                 may extend the last date.
                 (Note: Where hard copy is submitted all copies should be self-attested)
            (x)  Application complete in all respects shall be submitted to the Head of the Institution, being

                 attended or last attended by the candidates and shall be addressed to an officer specified
                 for  this  purpose  by  the  Government  of  State/Union  Territory  to  which  the  student
                 belongs, in accordance with the instructions issued by them from time to time.

            XIV.  Procedure for forwarding demand for release of Central Assistance (CA) for PMS-SC
                  by State Government/Union Administration

            o.  The aggregated demand of the State/UT to Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
                 should be submitted in the prescribed format.
            p.  Demand for CA submitted beyond 31% December will not be entertained.
            q.  The  demand  for  the  current  F/Y  should  be  in  respect  of  student’s  scholarship  for  the
                 corresponding academic year, Arrears due to non-release of CA of previous years should
                 be shown separately,

            XV.  Funding Pattern of the Scheme

            The Scheme is implemented by the State Governments and Union Territory Administrations,
            which  receive  100%  central  assistance  from  Government  of  India  for  the  total  expenditure
            under  the  scheme,  over  and  above  their  respective  Committed  Liability.  “The  level  of
            Committed Liability of respective State Government / Union Territory administration in a New
            Finance Commission (FC) cycle annually will be equivalent to the total of the demand on the
            State  as  well  as  the  Central  Government  in  the  terminal  year  of  the  previous  Plan  period/
            Finance Commission (FC) cycle, provided that when a State has made no demand on the Centre

            in the terminal year of the Plan period/ Finance Commission cycle or the demand made by a
            State is lower than in any of the previous years of the plan period / Finance commission cycle,
            in  that  case  the  highest  demand  made  in  any  of  the  previous  financial  years  of  the  Plan/
            Finance Commission cycle will be considered as demand of the State on Centre for the purpose
            of computation of Committed Liability for the next Finance Commission cycle is required to be
            borne by them for which they are required to make required provision in their own budget.”
            The committed Liability so computed will be co- terminus with the FC cycle. The North Eastern
            States have, however, been exempted from making their own budgetary provisions towards

            Committee Liability from Ninth Plan Period (1997-2002) onwards and the entire expenditure
            under the Scheme in respect of them will be borne by Government of India.
            All the State Governments and Union Territory Administrations implementing the scheme will:

            i)   Furnish data of beneficiaries and expenditure under the scheme, to Government of India,
                 regularly in the Quarterly Reports prescribed for this purpose. Financial assistance given
                 under the scheme shall not be utilized for any other purpose.
            ii)  DBT Monthly report as per proforma under DBT Bharat Portal.

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