Notice: Inviting Quotations for the work Construction of Selfie Point at CURAJ
Notice Inviting Quotations for the work "Maintenance of RO Water Purifiers Installed at various places in the University
Expression of Interest for empanelment of IPR Firms for Services to CURAJ Incubation Foundation
Expression of Interest for empanelment of firm for Registration, Financial, Regulatory, Taxation Services for CURAJ Incubation Foundation and Its Startups
NIT on the University website for the work - Preparation of Ground for the installation of turf on badminton court at CURAJ
Extension Notice No. 3239 dated 09.01.2025.pdf
ePublishingCPPP 19.12.2024.pdf
Download The file (144.92 KB)
Technicalbid Preparationofgroundforbadminton.pdf
Extension Notice on the University website for the work - Preparation of Ground for the installation of turf on badminton court at Hostel B-5, B-6 & B-7 at Central University of Rajasthan.pdf
NIT on the University website for the work - Concreting work for the preparation of base for Kabbadi Court at CURAJ
NIT on the University website for the work - Providing and fixing steel wire fabric mess with M.S. frame at CURAJ
Extension Notice No. 3237 dated 09.01.2025.pdf
Technical bidsteelfabricmess.pdf
ePublishing CPP 19.12.2024.pdf
Financial Bid steel fabric mess.pdf
Extension Notice on the University website for the work - Providing and fixing steel wire fabric mess with M.S. frame at Central University of Rajasthan.pdf
"Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Ductable Type Air Conditioners alongwith Air Ducting and False Ceiling Work in 06 Nos. 125 Seater Seminar Halls of Academic Building No. 4A-3, 4A-4 and 4A-6 at Central University of Rajasthan"
Extension Notice No. 3240 dated 09.01.2025.pdf
Download The file (984.11 KB)
FinancialBidSITC .pdf
ePublishing CPPP 19.12.2024.pdf
Tender Extension Notice on the University website for the work - SITC of ductable type Air Conditioners along with Air Ducting and False Ceiling work at Central University of Rajasthan - reg..pdf
NIT on the University website for the work - Re-carpeting of Bituminous road nearby Girls Hostel Building at CURAJ
Extension Notice No. 3238 dated 09.01.2025.pdf
Event No [CURAJASTHAN_Central University of Rajasthan_Estate Section_2_24-25_ET_2[Re-carpeting - Bituminous Road]] Published.pdf
ePublishing System, Government of India recarpeting.pdf
Download The file (910.77 KB)
Financial Bid- Recarpeting.pdf
Extension Notice on the University website for the work - Re-carpeting of Bituminous road nearby Girls Hostel Building at Central University of Rajasthan.pdf
NIT for the work "Design, Fabrication & erection of Unipole Board at Central University of Rajasthan"
Tender (Re-tender) document Supply and Installation of IT Hardware/Software for Establishment of Data Centre with 3 Years Comprehensive On-site Maintenance Contract
Tender Notice and document for Annual Rate Contract for supply of various gases, gas cylinders and regulators at Central University of Rajasthan
Notice dated 11.11.2024 for EoI for appointment of a public sector undertakingGovernment organization as Project Management Consultant as per rule 133(3) of the GFR 2017
NIT on the University website for the work - Supply, Erection, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Semi Integrated Solar PV Street Lights with Poles in Hockey Ground at CURAJ
NIT on the University website for the work - Development of Electrical Infrastructure at Cricket, Football and Hockey Ground at CURAJ
Extension Notice No. 2645 dated 19.11.2024.pdf
NIT -Development of electrical Infrastructure at Cricket, Football and Hockey Ground - 2460 dated 05.11.2024.pdf
Financial Bid - Development of electrical Infrastructure at Cricket, Football and Hockey Ground - 2460 dated 05.11.2024.pdf
ePublishing System, Government of India.pdf
NIT No. CURAJ/R/F.161/2024/2362 dated 25.10.2024, of the work '' EoI for appointment of a public sector undertaking/Government organization as Project Management Consultant as per rule 133(3) of the GFR 2017
NIT on the University website for the work - Providing Comprehensive Maintenance services and works at CURAJ
NIT on the University website for the work - Design Fabrication and erection of Unipole board at CURAJ
Technical bid- Unipole pdf.pdf
Financial Bid pdf.pdf
ePublishing System, Government of India (1).pdf
Extension Notice No. 2110 dated 30.09.2024 for the work - Design, fabrication and erection of unipole board.pdf
Extension Notice No. 2178 dated 07.10.2024 on the University website for the work - Design, Fabrication and erection of Unipole Board at Central University of Rajasthan.pdf
NIT on the University website for the work - Re-carpeting of Bituminous road nearby Girls Hostel Building at CURAJ
Technical bid- Recarpeting pdf.pdf
Financial Bid- Recarpeting pdf.pdf
ePublishing System, Government of India (1).pdf
Extension Notice dated 30.09.2024 for the work ''Re-carpating of bituminous Road Near girls hostel buildings at Central University of Rajasthan.pdf
Extension Notice No. 2177 dated 07.10.2024 on the University website for the work - Re-carpeting of Bituminous road nearby Girls Hostel Buildings at Central University of Rajasthan.pdf
NIT on the University website for the work - Concreting work for the preparation of base for kabbadi court at CURAJ
Technical bid- Kabbadi court pdf.pdf
Financial Bid- Kabbadi court pdf.pdf
ePublishing System, Government of India (1).pdf
Extension Notice dated 30.09.2024 for the work Concreting work for the preparation of base for Kabbadi court.pdf
Extension Notice No. 2176 dated 07.10.2024 on the University website for the work - Concreting work for the preparation of base for Kabbadi Court at Central University of Rajasthan..pdf
NIT on the University website for the work - Preparation of Ground for the installation of turf on badminton court at Hostel B5, B6 & B7 at CURAJ
Technical bid pdf.pdf
Financial Bid pdf.pdf
ePublishing System, Government of India (1).pdf
Extension Notice dated 30.09.2024 for the work Preparation of ground for the installation of turf on badminton court at hostel B5, B6 & B7.pdf
Extension Notice No. 2175 dated 07.10.2024 on the University website for the work - Preparation of Ground for the installation of turf on badminton court at Hostel B5, B6 & B7 at Central University of Rajasthan.pdf
Extension Notice on the University website for the work - Preparation of Ground for the installation of turf on badminton court at Hostel B-5, B-6 & B-7 at Central University of Rajasthan.pdf
Tender document regarding the (Re-tender) Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Fabrication of BSL-2 Facility Integrated with Associated Equipments on Turnkey Basis for the ICMR Sponsored Project File No. EMDR/IG/10-2023-0000879 at Central University
(Re-tender) Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Fabrication of BSL-2 Facility Integrated with Associated Equipments on Turnkey Basis.pdf
Extension of date for receipt of Tender (Re-tender) Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Fabrication of BSL-2 Facility Integrated with Associated Equipments on Turnkey Basis.pdf