Page 204 - CURAJ Information Handbook for SC ST Cell
P. 204

The  Constitution  of  India  seeks  to  secure  for  all  its

             citizens,  among  other  things,  social  and  economic
             justice, equality of status and opportunity and assures
             the  dignity  of  the  individual.  Article  46  of  the
             Constitution  provides  that  “the  State  shall  promote
             with  special  care  the  educational  and  economic
             interests of the weaker sections of the society and in
             particular, of the Scheduled Castes and shall protect
             them  from  social  injustice  and  all  forms  of
             exploitation”.    Several     provisions    have     been         Prof. Anand Bhalerao
             incorporated in the Constitution for safeguarding and                Vice Chancellor
             promoting  the  interests  of  the  Scheduled  Castes  so  as  to  empower  and  enable  their

             socio–economic development as well as to help them overcome the age old prejudices
             and atrocities.

             This  Information  Handbook  will  ensure  effective  implementation  of  the  policies  and
             programmes of the Government of India, UGC and State. It will serve as a ready reckoner
             regarding SC/ST categories so as to enable them to integrate with the mainstream of the
             university community and to remove difficulties, which they may be experiencing.

             I am glad to present the Information Handbook for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes
             with the hope that it will be useful for understanding the rule, regulations and policies
             etc.  This  would  enable  us  in  providing  better  services  to  the  Scheduled
             Castes/Scheduled Tribes for their social and economic development.

                                    Prof. S. N. Ambedkar              Room No. 107, SP-IV, CURAJ
                                    Liaison Officer for SC/ST &       Email:
                                    PWD, Convenor SC/ST Cell          Contact: 01463-238762

                                    Dr. Hari Singh Parihar            Room No. 115, SP-I, CURAJ
                                    Joint Registrar & Controlling     Email:
                                    Officer, SC/ST Cell               Contact No. 8829020035

                                    Mr. Manoj Kumar Indoria           Room No. 117, SP-I, CURAJ
                                    Assistant Registrar & Dealing     Email:
                                    Officer, SC/ST Cell               Contact No. 9414990762

                                                                    Designing & Setting: Mr. Dilip Raichandani
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