Page 202 - CURAJ Information Handbook for SC ST Cell
P. 202
Proforma for conducting inspection of rosters maintained for providing reservation for
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in services.
Name of Office: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Date of last inspection: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Name of post/group of posts: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Date of current inspection: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
1. Whether separate rosters are being maintained for each grade or group of posts and within such grade/group,
separately for (i) direct recruitment and (ii) for posts filled by promotions (where reservation is applicable in
such posts filled by promotion) and whether all the appointments made during the period covered by the
inspection are shown in the roster.
2. Whether the appropriate model roster viz. the one prescribed for (1) direct recruitment on an all India basis
by open competition (2) direct recruitment on an all India basis otherwise than by open competition (3)
direct recruitment on a local or regional basis or (4) promotion as the case may be is being followed.
3. Whether rosters are being maintained separately for (1) permanent appointment and temporary
appointments likely to become permanent or to continue indefinitely and (2) purely temporary appointments
of 45 days or more duration.
4. Whether the rosters are being maintained in the form prescribed viz., appendix 4 to the Brochure.
5. Whether the points have been earmarked in the roster for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes correctly
according to the prescribed model roster for the particular type of recruitment.
6. Whether immediately after an appointment has been made the particulars of the person appointed are
entered in the register in appropriate columns and the entry signed by the appointed authority or by the
officer authorised to do so.
7. Whether any gap is left in the roster.
8. Whether the roster is being maintained in the form of a running account from year to year.
9. Whether before appointing a general candidate against reserved vacancy. (i) prior approval of the
Department of Personnel for dereservation was obtained in the case of vacancies included in the rosters for
permanent appointments and temporary appointments likely to become permanent or to continue indefinity,
and (ii) whether the steps prescribed in para 26 of the Brochure to secure Scheduled Castes/Tribes
candidates were taken in the case of vacancies included in the roster for purely temporary appointments.
10. Whether reservation in confirmation in posts filled by direct recruitment has been correctly determined in
accordance with the orders in MHA OM. No. 31/10/63 SCT(I), dated 27-3-1963 and 2-5-1963.
11. Whether an abstract is given after the last entry in a recruitment year, showing the number of reservations
carried forward to the following year separately for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Whether these
reservations have been shown as brought forward at the beginning of the roster for the following year.
12. Whether reservations have been carried forward to three subsequent recruitment years and exchange of
reservations made between Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes as provided in MHA OM. No. 27/25/68
Estt. (SCT), dated 25th March 1970 before treating them lapsed.
13. Any other remarks.
Summing up
14. Brief recapitulation of defects and shortcomings noticed in the maintenance of the rosters and any other
suggestions which the Inspecting Officer has to make, with particular reference to the remarks given during
the last inspection.
Signature of Inspecting Officer
Remarks of Head of Department/
Secretary of the Ministry.
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