Page 53 - CURAJ Information Handbook for SC ST Cell
P. 53

12.0 Modalities for payment:

            12.1  Payment  of  the  Fellowship/Scholarship  amount  of  the  scheme  for  STs  would
            be  made  through  the  system  of  Direct  Benefit  Transfer  through  the  Aadhaar  Payment
            Bridge  into  the  Aadhaar  seeded  bank  a/c  of  the  beneficiaries  from  the  Ministry  of  Tribal
            Affairs.  The  selected  candidates  should  obtain  the  Aadhaar  number  on  priority  basis.
            Pending  Aadhaar  seeding  of  the  beneficiary  bank  a/c,  payment  would  be  made  into
            the bank account through NEFT.

            12.2  Payment  of  scholarships  to  the  selected  students  will  be  made  on  yearly  basis
            and  for  fellowship  on  quarterly  basis  respectively,  through  the  Direct  Benefit  Transfer
            system  by  the  Ministry  of  Tribal  Affairs  through  the  accredited  bank  immediately  after
            selection  of  the  candidates.  This  will  also  help  Ministry  to  monitor  using  the  Public

            Financial Management System – PFSM (formerly CPSMS).
            12.3  The  selected  candidates  would  be  required  to  have  bank  accounts  in  banks
            having Core Banking Solutions.

            12.4  In  case  the  students  are  not  having  Aadhaar  numbers,  they  are  required  to
            apply  for  Aadhaar  Card,  within  a  month  of  their  registration/admission  in  the  courses

            under the Fellowship/Scholarship.
            12.5  No  Scholarship  will  be  considered  if  Aadhar  number  is  not  mentioned  in  the
            registration form.

            13.0 Administrative Cost:

            The Project Management cost @2% of the estimated cost is provided in the scheme. This shall
            be optimally and judiciously utilized for the purpose of hiring the services of Consultants/MIS
            experts,  office  equipment  &  furniture,  advertisement,  awareness  campaign,  meetings,
            development  and  hosting  charges,  server  charges,  bank  charges  if  any,  office  contingences

            (internet/telephone/stationery etc.), and for the purpose of Monitoring & Evaluation.

            14.0 Review and Monitoring:
            14.1 Expenditure on evaluation/monitoring and administration of the Fellowship/ Scholarship
            programme shall be done by MoTA out of 2% of the administrative cost under the Scheme.

            14.2 In the case of Fellowship, concerned Universities/Institutions/committee shall assess the

            work on the completion of two years ‟tenure of the M.Phil and for the award of Ph.D”. The
            research  work  being  done  by  the  candidates  shall  be  monitored  by  this  mechanism.  The
            concerned Universities/Institutions shall send a list of such fellows who have completed the
            studies with fellowships received under the scheme and Ministry will maintain year-wise data
            of such beneficiaries.

            14.3  In  the  case  of  Scholarships,  concerned  College/Institutions  shall  send  the  list  of  such
            students  who  have  successfully  completed  the  course  with  scholarships  received  under  the
            scheme at the end of every academic session and the Ministry will maintain year-wise data of
            such beneficiaries.

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