Page 54 - CURAJ Information Handbook for SC ST Cell
P. 54

14.4 The progress of implementation of the scheme will be reviewed by the Ministry of Tribal
            Affairs through Committee consisting of the following: -

              (a)    Secretary (M/o TA)                                                Chairperson
              (b)    Joint Secretary & Financial Adviser (M/o TA)                      Member
               (c)   Joint Secretary, M/o TA                                           Member
              (d)    Joint Secretary, M/o SJ&E                                         Member
              (e)    Joint Secretary, Deptt. of Higher Education, M/o HRD              Member
                     Joint    Secretary,     Deptt.    of     Medical     Education,
               (f)                                                                     Member
              (g)    One representative of the UGC                                     Member
              (h)    Director/Deputy Secretary, Scholarship Division, M/o TA           Member Secretary

            14.5 The Committee may invite an expert as a special invitee, as and when it deems necessary.

            14.6  The  Committee  may  recommend  to  the  Ministry  of  Tribal  Affairs  about  addition  or
            deletion of any institution based on their performance. For the purpose, the Committee may
            take  into  account  the  recommendations  of  the  concerned  bodies  conducting  entrance
            examination for admissions into such courses or having the administrative control over such

            14.7 The committee will also decide the eligible candidates for paying fellowship.

            15.0 Nature of Assistance available under the scheme

            The  tenure  of  fellowship  is  initially  for  two  years  under  the  National  Fellowship  for  Higher
            Education for ST Students Scheme. Before expiry of this period, the work of the Fellow will be
            evaluated by a Committee of three members comprising of Head of the Department, Supervisor
            and  one  outside  subject  expert  to  be  constituted  by  the  concerned  Department  of  the
            /University/Institution/College. If the research work is found satisfactory, his/her tenure will
            be extended further for a period of three years for upgradation from M.Phil to Ph.D under the
            enhanced  emoluments  of  the  National  Fellowship  for  Higher  Education  for  ST  Candidates

            (Ph.D)  in  Annexure-VI.  The  recommendation  of  the  Committee  shall  be  submitted  to  the
            Ministry  Designated  Team  for  upgradation  to  the  level  of  National  Fellowship  for  Higher
            Education  for  ST  Students  Ph.D.  The  work  done  and  the  time  spent  on  scholarships  or
            fellowships  of  any  agency  other  than  the  Ministry  designated  team  will  not  be  taken  into
            account  while  considering  the  proposals  for  enhancement  in  the  value  of  fellowship.  The
            fellowship may be withdrawn if the work is not considered satisfactory or the candidate fails in
            any of the examinations related to Ph.D. In case the work for the first two years is not found
            satisfactory, an additional year will be given to him/her for improvement. However, during this
            period he/she will be designated as National Fellowship for Higher Education for ST Students

            In such cases work will be evaluated again before third year of the tenure, and if improvement

            is  found,  the  Fellow  will  get  two  more  years  under  the  National  Fellowship  for  Higher
            Education for ST Students (Ph.D). Thus, the total period of fellowship (National Fellowship for
            Higher Education for ST Students M.Phil and Ph.D) is for five years, with no further provision of

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