Page 75 - CURAJ Information Handbook for SC ST Cell
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maintained and managed by the Ministry with personnel of similar expertise to be engaged on
            contract  basis.  A  provision  not  exceeding  2%  of  the  total  budget  will  be  made  to  meet  the
            administrative  and  allied  costs  viz.  expenditure  of  the  States/Union  Territories  and  the
            Ministry  for  office  equipments  including  computers  and  accessories,  furniture,  printing  of
            application forms, advertisements, engagement of personnel, etc. This provision will also be
            used  for  evaluation  and  monitoring  of  the  scheme,  through  outside  reputed
            institutions/agencies engaged by the Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India and the

            State Governments/Union Territory Administrations.

            The scholarship, once awarded, may be renewed during the next academic year of the course
            on the production of certificate that the student has secured 50% marks in the previous year’s

            examination (provided the students pursues the same course and same Institute/School).

            The  scheme  will  be  announced  by  the  concerned  State  Government/Union  Territory
            Administration well in time, through advertisements in the leading language newspapers and
            local dailies and by using other suitable publicity media.

            15. MODE OF APPLYING

            The scheme is implemented through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP). It is mandatory for
            all students to apply online on the website i.e.


            The  scheme  is  Central  Sector  Scheme  and  100%  funding  is  provided  by  the  Ministry  of
            Minority Affairs.


            The  State/Union  Territory  shall  maintain  year-wise  details  of  the  students  receiving
            scholarship,  indicating  school/institute,  location  of  school/institute,  government  or  private,
            class,  gender,  new  or  renewal,  permanent  address  and  parents’  address.  The  States/  Union
            Territories shall place relevant physical and financial details in their official website

            18. EVALUATION

            The monitoring of the financial and physical performance of the scheme will be evaluated by
            assigning  evaluation/impact  studies  to  reputed  institutions/agencies  by  the  Ministry  of
            Minority Affairs, Government of India.

            19.  INSTRUCTIONS RELATED TO BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS (to be filled by the students
                in online application form are as under):

            (i)  Students must select their bank/branch name carefully from the drop down list.

            (ii)  Thereafter the complete account no. must be entered correctly. Students are suggested to
                 get  their  account  number  verified  by  their  concerned  Bank  Branch  including  Bank
                 account number and IFS Code.

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