Page 80 - CURAJ Information Handbook for SC ST Cell
P. 80

without the permission of the authorities concerned etc., the authority sanctioning the
                     scholarship may either cancel the scholarship or stop or withhold further payment for
                     such period as it may think fit.

            (xxvi)    A scholar is liable to refund the scholarship amount, if during the course of the year,
                     the studies for which the scholarship has been awarded, is discontinued or change in
                     the subject of study.

            (xxvii)   The regulations under the scheme can be changed at any time at the discretion of the
                     Government of India.

            (xxviii)  The list of Graduate Degree level and Post Graduate level technical and professional
                     courses under Merit cum Means based Scholarship scheme is available on the website
                     of this Ministry i.e.


            As the magnitude of data to be entered and processed would be enormous as the scheme gets
            implemented over the years, there would be a need to engage qualified skilled personnel right
            from  the  beginning  to  ensure  that  the  data  based  computerized  systems  are  operational.
            Qualified  skilled  personnel  possessing  requisite  expertise  to  operate  computer  programme
            designed for this purpose, enter, process, analyse, monitor, retrieve and transfer data should
            be engaged on contract basis as per need. Data provided by the States/Union Territories will be
            maintained and managed by the Ministry with personnel of similar expertise to be engaged on

            contract  basis.  A  provision  not  exceeding  2%  of  the  total  budget  will  be  made  to  meet  the
            administrative  and  allied  costs  viz.  expenditure  of  the  States/Union  Territories  and  the
            Ministry  for  office  equipments  including  computers  and  accessories,  furniture,  printing  of
            application forms, advertisements, engagement of personnel, etc. This provision will also be
            used  for  evaluation  and  monitoring  of  the  scheme,  through  outside  reputed
            institutions/agencies engaged by the Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India and the
            State Governments/Union Territory Administrations.

                      (EFFECTIVE FROM 01-04-2018)
            1. INTRODUCTION:

            1.1. Article 41 of Part IV ("Directive Principles of State Policy") of the Constitution provides
            that the State shall make effective provisions for securing the right to work, to education and to

            public assistance in cases of unemployment, old age, sickness and disablement, and in other
            cases of undeserved want. Education plays a pivotal role in socio-economic empowerment of
            Persons with Disabilities.
            1.2 Article 46 of Part IV ('Directive Principles of State Policy") of the Constitution enjoins upon

            the State to promote with special care the educational and economic interests of the weaker
            sections of the people. Article 38(2) of the same Part also enjoins upon the State to minimize
            inequalities  in  income  and  to  endeavour  to  eliminate  inequalities  in  status,  facilities  and

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