Page 82 - CURAJ Information Handbook for SC ST Cell
P. 82

1.7 According to Census 2011, there were 2.68 crore  persons  with disabilities  in India who
            constituted 2.22 per cent of the total population. This includes persons with visual, hearing,
            speech, loco-motor, mental retardation, and other disabilities. Details of persons with disability
            in India, by type of disability, as per Census 2011 are as below:

            Number of Persons with Disabilities as per Census, 2011

                          Type of Disability     Population (in Crore)       Percentage (%)
                          Loco motor                       0.55                     20
                          Visual                           0.50                     19
                          Hearing                          0.51                     19
                          Speech                           0.20                     07
                          Mentally Retarded                0.15                     06
                          Mentally ill                     0.07                     03
                          Multiple                         0.21                     08
                          Other Disabilities               0.49                     18
                          Total                            2.68                     100

            1.8 The No. of slots in Pre-matric, Post-matric and Top Class Education have been distributed
            among all the States and Union Territories on the basis of percentage of population of PwDs of
            that State/ in comparison to the total PwD population of India as per the 2011 Census, though

            students with the new disabilities included in the RPwD Act will also be considered within this
            slot till the next Census, if otherwise eligible.
            1.9  There  are  six  components  of  the  umbrella  scheme  of  "Scholarships  for  Students  with

            Disabilities" as mentioned below:-

            1.   Pre-matric Scholarship for SwDs (For Class IX & X)
            2.   Post-matric Scholarship for SwDs (For Class XI to Post-graduate Degre e/ Diploma)
            3.   Top  Class  Education  for  SwDs  (For  Graduate  and  Post-graduate  Degree/Diploma  in
                 notified institutes of excellence in education)
            4.   National Overseas Scholarship (For Master's Degree/Ph.D. in Universities abroad)
            5.   National Fellowship for PwDs (For M.Phil and Ph.D. in Indian Universities
            6.   Free  Coaching  for  SwDs  (For  recruitment  examinations  for  Group  A  &  B  and  entrance
                 examinations for admission in technical and professional courses)


            The general conditions of eligibility of all the components of the scheme are given below:

            (i)  The scholarships are open to nationals of India only.
            (ii)  All the six scholarships are applicable to students with disabilities with more than 40°/o
                 disability and having a valid certificate of disability as prescribed under rules issued by
                 the  competent authority. Disability is  as  defined in "Rights of Persons  with Disabilities
                 Act, 2016.
            (iii)  Not  more  than  two  children  with  disabilities  of  the  same  parents  will  be  entitled  to

                 receive benefits of the scheme. Provided in case the second child is a twin, the scholarship
                 under this scheme will be admissible to both the twins.

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