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Dr. Deepesh Bhati
Associate Professor and Head
GATE, CSIR-NET, M.Tech. (FSP), Ph.D. (University of Mysore)
(i) Extreme Value Theory and its applications in Insurance.
(ii) Actuarial Science.
(iii) Statistical Inference.
(iv) Distribution Theory.
- Ph.D. (Department of Studies in Statistics, University of Mysore, Mysuru) - Supervisor: Prof. Sreenivasan Ravi.
Thesis Title: On Size Distributions and Statistical modelling using Extremal Value and Related Laws.
- M.Tech. (FSP), Dav Indore
- M.Sc. from Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, (Gold Medalist)
- B.Sc. from Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, (Gold Medalist)
- Dr. George Tzougas, Department of Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics, Heriot Watt University
- Dr. Enrique Calderin, The University of Melbourne, Australia
- Dr. Sudheesh K.K., ISI Chennai.
- Prof. Emilio Gomez Deniz, Department of Quantitative Methods, Universidad De las Pal Mas, De Gran Canaria
- Dr. Hassan Bakouch, Tanta University, Egypt.
Under Review
- Kumari A., Sudheesh K.K. and Bhati D. Goodness-of-fit test for one-sided Levy distribution based on Stein's Characterization.
- Kumari A. Bhati D. A Test-of-Fit of one sided Levy distribution.
- Sudheesh K.K., Bhati, D., and Dewan I. Test for independence against regression and expectation dependence.
- Bhati, D., Aradhye, G. and Sastry DVS. On a new family of composite models with generalized log-Moyal tail and its actuarial application.
- Aradhye,G., Tzougas. G., and Bhati D. EM estimation for the mixed Pareto regression model for claim severities.
- Aradhye,G., Bhati D. and Tzougas. G. Composite Lognormal - T regression models with varying threshold points and insurance applications.
- Bhati, Pavan B, and Aradhye G. On A New Heavy-Tailed Mixed Pareto-Weibull Distribution: Its Parametric Regression Model and Insurance Applications.
- Aradhye,G., Tzougas. G., and Bhati D.. On a new Copula-based family of Bivariate Composite Model and its insurance application.
- Aradhye,G., Tzougas. G., and Bhati D.. EM estimation for the Bivariate Mixed Exponential Regression Models with varying dispersion.
- Aradhye G., Bhati D., and Enrique Calderin-Ojeda. On a new family of composite regression models with covariate dependent threshold via tail index parameter.
- Aradhye G., Bhati D. An EM type estimation for a novel mixed composite models.
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S. No. | Authors | Title of Article | Journal/Conference Details | Journal/Conference | Publication Year |
1 | Bhati Deepesh | Journal | 2022 |
Principle Investigator:
- DST SERB - Generation of Statistical Models using Concatenation (CRG002993) (INR 17.97 /- lakh) - Dec. 2019 - Jun 2023.
Invited Talks:
- Deliver invited Talk on "A New Heavy-Tailed Class of Distributions: A Suitable Alternate to Pareto Distribution"; on 3rd National Conference on Statistics for Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities, organized by MLS University, Udaipur, 13-14 Sep, 2019.
- Deliver invited talk on "Generating new family of discrete distribution" in an International Conference on Statistics for 21st Century 2015 organized by Department of Statistics, University of Kerala, 17th-19th Dec 2015.
- Delivering Series of lectures on “Contingency” course through “Video Conferencing” to Post graduate students of the department of Statistics, Shivaji University Kolhapur from 20th Feb 2015 to 10th May 2015.
- Invited to BMU, Aurangabad, to deliver talk on "Actuarial Statistics" in National Seminar on "Recent trend in Actuarial Statistics", during 13-15 March 2015.
- Invited to Government College, Kishangarh to deliver a talk on "Effective learning through Technology" in National Workshop on "Excellence in through good governance in higher education" 14 Feb 2015.
- Invited to Shivaji University, Kolhapur for giving Series of lectures on "Financial Mathematics" to PG Diploma in Actuarial Science and M.Sc. Applied Statistics students, during 8 Sep - 19 Sep 2014.
- Invited to National Sample Survey Office(NSSO), Ajmer to deliver a special talk on "Labor and Employment Statistics", on 29 August 2013.
- Invited to National Sample Survey Office(NSSO), Ajmer to deliver a special talk on "Industrial Statistics", on 29 August 2012.
Papers Presented:
- Paper entitled “On Bonus-Malus System using Generalized Poisson Lindley Distribution” presented in International Conference conducted by Department of Mathematics, Central University of Rajasthan, during 20-22, Feb 2015.
- Paper entitled “Lindley-Exponential Distribution: Properties and Applications” presented in International Workshop on Reliability and Time Series Methodology relevant to Business and Industry, Department of Statistics, Cochin University of Sci. and Tech., Kochi during 4-7 January 2015.
- Paper entitled “On Zero Distorted Generalized Geometric Distribution” presented in National Conference on Recent Advances in Statistics held in Department of Statistics, the University of Pune during 2-3 January 2015.
- Paper entitled “A New Logistic Distribution - Properties and Applications” presented in National Conference on Statistics for Twenty-First Century held in Department of Statistics, the University of Kerala during 20th-22th March 2014.
- Paper entitled “Distributions of Sums of Finite Valued Discrete Random Variables” presented in National Conference on Advances in Statistical Theory and Applications held in Department of Statistics, Bangalore University during 16th- 18th November 2011.
Academic Visits/Reseach Discusssion:
- Department of Statistics, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, India: from Dec 2010 - Jan 2011, discussion with Prof. R. N. Rattihalli
- Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Bangalore: from July 20th, 2011 to August 14th 2011, discussion with Prof. Ramasubramanian on Risk Theory.
- Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Hyderabad: from June 25th 2014 to Jun 30th, 2012, discussion with Prof. R. N. Rattihalli.
- Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) Chennai: from Sep 29th, 2016 to Oct 2th 2016, and from 3rd to 5th March, 2017, discussion with Dr. Sudheesh K.K. on Non-Parametric Statistics.
Workshop Attended
- Workshop on Statistical Ecology and Related Topics held in ISI Bangalore, during 8-11 Dec 2016.
- UGC Refresher Course on Computational Mathematics and Statistics, held in University of Mumbai during 7-Nov, 2016-26 Nov 2016.
- Global Conference for Actuaries, 2010.
- Study group meeting on industrial problems, IIT Roorkee, Industrial Mathematical Group, IIT Mumbai and Oxford Centre for Collaborative Applied Mathematics, UK.
- Problem-solving workshop in Mathematics, Dec 2006 to Jan 2007, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidhyanagar, Gujarat
- Mathematical training for the National‑level Mathematical Talent Search 2006, National Board of Higher Mathematics at University Institute of Chemical Technology UICT from May 15-June 10, 2006.
Organized 5-day workshop on "Enhancing Teaching and Learning Skills in Statistics" for University and Colleges faculty members who teach Statistics. Duration 12-16 March 2019 with support from the Teaching Learning Center, Curaj.