Personal Information

Dr. Devesh Sharma
Associate Professor, Dean and Head
B.E., M.E., D. Engg. (Integrated Water Resources Management)
Climate Change and Water Resources
Hydrological Modelling
Climate Change Impact Studies
B.E.- 1995-1999; College of Technology & Agricultural Engineering, Udaipur, Rajasthan
M.E.- 1999-2001; College of Technology & Engineering, Udaipur, Rajasthan
D.Eng. - 2003-2007; Asian Instiute of Technology, Thailand
Publications (2017 onwards)
- Mundetia, N., Sharma, D., Sharma, A., Dubey, S. K., Mitra, B. K., Dasgupta, R., Jeong, H. (2023). Assessment of Hydrological Response with an Integrated Approach of Climate, Land, and Water for Sustainable Water Resources in the Khari River Basin, India. Anthropocene, Vol. 41, (IF 3.969)
- Kumar, A., Panda, S.K., Mondal, U., Sharma, D., Das, S. (2023). Assessment of model time step and domain resolution of WRF model to simulate the lightning over Bihar and Rajasthan, India. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2023).
- Das, A.K., Rahman, M., Mitra, P., Sukhwani, V., Shaw, R., Mitre, B.K., Sharma, D. & Deshkar, S. & Morey, B. (2022) Up-scaling organic agriculture to enhance food and water security in South Asia. Organic Agriculture.
- Chandra, S., Dubey, S. K., Sharma, D., Mitra, B. K., & Dasgupta, R. (2022). Investigation of Spatio–Temporal Changes in Land Use and Heat Stress Indices over Jaipur City Using Geospatial Techniques. Sustainability, 14(15), 9095. (IF 3.88)
- Morey, B., Deshkar, S., Sukhwani, V., Mitra, P., Shaw, R., Mitra, B.K., Sharma, D., Rahman, M., Dasgupta, R. and Das, A.K., (2022). Towards Circulating and Ecological Sphere in Urban Areas: An Indicator-Based Framework for Food-Energy-Water Security Assessment in Nagpur, India. Sustainability, 14(13), p.8123. (IF 3.88)
- Unashish Mondal, S. K. Panda, Someshwar Das and Devesh Sharma (2022), Spatio‑temporal variability of lightning climatology and its association with thunderstorm indices over India, Theoretical and Applied Climatology,
- Kaushal Chapagain, Hassan Tolba Aboelnga, Mukand S. Babel, Lars Ribbe, Victor R. Shinde, Devesh Sharma, Nguyen Mai Dang (2022) Urban Water Security: A comparative assessment and policy analysis of five cities in diverse developing countries of Asia, Environmental Development, (IF 3.32)
- Akanksha Rani, Devesh Sharma, Mukand SBabel, AdityaSharma (2022) Spatio-temporal assessment of agrosingle bondclimatic indices and the monsoon pattern in the Banas River Basin, India. Environmental Challenges,
- Gunawat A., Sharma D., Sharma A., and Dubey, SK. (2022) Assessment of climate change impact and potential adaptation measures on wheat yield using the DSSAT model in the semi-arid environment. Natural Hazards, (IF 3.10)
- Sharma A., Sharma D., Panda SK. (2021) Assessment of spatiotemporal trend of precipitation indices and meteorological drought characteristics in the Mahi River basin, India. Journal of Hydrology, (IF 5.72)
- Mitra, P., Shaw, R., Sukhwani, V., Mitra, B.K., Md A. Rahman, Deshkar, S., and Sharma D. (2021). "Urban–Rural Partnership Framework to Enhance Food–Energy–Water Security in the Post-COVID-19 Era". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 23: 12493. (IF- 3.39)
- Dubey, S.K., Pathak, S.K., Sharma, D., Babel, M.S. and Kumar, M. (2021) Assessment of Groundwater Quality Index Using Geographic Information System in Parts of Rural Ajmer and Bhilwara Districts of Rajasthan, India. Water Conservation Science and Engineering.
- Bhati, D.S., Dubey, S.K., Sharma, D. (2021). Application of Satellite-Based and Observed Precipitation Datasets for Hydrological Simulation in the Upper Mahi River Basin of Rajasthan, India. Sustainability 13, no. 14: 7560. (IF- 3.25)
- Mitra, B.K.; Sharma, D.; Zhou, X.; Dasgupta, R. (2021) Assessment of the Impacts of Spatial Water Resource Variability on Energy Planning in the Ganges River Basin under Climate Change Scenarios. Sustainability 2021, 13, 7273. Doi:; (IF- 3.25)
- Sandeep Kalyan, Devesh Sharma and Aditya Sharma (2021). Spatio-temporal variation in desert vulnerability using desertification index over the Banas River Basin in Rajasthan, India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14:54,
- Bijon Kumer Mitra, Devesh Sharma, Tetsuo Kuyama, Bao Ngoc Pham, G.M. Tarekul Islam, and Pham Thi Mai Thao (2020) Water-energy-food nexus perspective: Pathway for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to country action in India, APN Science Bulletin, Issue 10(1)
- Babel, M.S., Shinde V., Sharma, D. and Dang, N.M. (2020). Measuirng water security: A vital step for climate change adaptation. Environmental Research, 185:109400, doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109400 (IF-5.026)
- Dubey, S.K., Sharma, D., M.S. Babel and N. Mundetia (2020). Application of hydrological model for assessment of water security using multi-model ensemble of CORDEX-South Asia experiments in a semi-arid river basin of India. Ecological Engineering, 143, (IF-3.40)
- Zhou, X., Mitra, B.K., Sharma, D., Islam, G.M.T., Malla, R., and Herran, D.S. (2019) An integrated assessment of climate‑affected long‑term water availability and its impacts on energy security in the Ganges sub‑basins, APN Science Bulletin, Issue 9(1)
- Lakra, K and Sharma, D. (2019). Geospatial Assessment of Urban Growth Dynamics and Land Surface Temperature in Ajmer Region, India. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 47: 1073. (IF-0.81)
- Nitika Mundetia, Sharma, D. and Dubey, S.K. (2018). Morphometric assessment and sub-watershed prioritization of Khari River basin in semi-arid region of Rajasthan, India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 11: 530, doi: 10.1007/s12517-018-3819-5 (IF-0.86)
- Pradhan, R.K., Sharma, D., Panda, S.K., Dubey, S. K. and Sharma, A. (2018). Changes of precipitation regime and its indices over Rajasthan state of India: impact of climate change scenarios experiments, Climate Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/s00382-018-4334-9 (IF-3.77)
- Dubey, S. K., & Sharma, D. (2018). Assessment of climate change impact on yield of major crops in the Banas River Basin, India. Science of the Total Environment, 635, 10-19, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.03.343 (IF-4.61)
- Suresh Chandra, Devesh Sharma, and Swatantra K Dubey (2018). Linkage of urban expansion and land surface temperature using geospatial techniques for Jaipur City, India. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 11:31, doi: 10.1007/s12517-017-3357-6 (IF-0.86)
- Devesh Sharma and M.S. Babel (2017). Assessing hydrological impacts of climate change using bias-corrected downscaled precipitation in Mae Klong basin of Thailand. Meteorological Applications, doi: 10.1002/met.1706 (IF-2.39)
- Aditya Sharma, Devesh Sharma, S.K. Panda, Swatantra K Dubey and Rajani K. Pradhan (2017). Investigation of temperature and its indices under climate change scenarios over different regions of Rajasthan state in India. Global and Planetary Change, 161, 82-96, doi: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2017.12.008 (IF-3.98)
- Nitika Mundetia, Devesh Sharma, Swatantra K Dubey and Madhu Priya (2017). Development and Poverty Assessment Using an Alternate Non-compensatory Composite Index of Rajasthan State in India. Social Indicators Research, doi: 10.1007/s11205-017-1751-9 (IF-1.64)
- Collaborative research project under INCCC (MoWR) entitled “Climate Change Impact Studies for Rajasthan (Area of Inland Drainage and Mahi basin). Participating Institutes: MNIT (Jaipur), CURAJ, IIT-Delhi
- Integrated Atmospheric-Hydrological Modeling System to Assess the Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources in the Banas River Basin, Rajasthan (Funding: DST-SERB, From: Feb. 2020 to Feb 2023)
- Developing urban-rural partnerships framework to mitigate climate- induced water availability impacts on food, energy and water (FEW) security at the regional level (CRRP2019-FP16-Shaw), APN Funded (Jan 2021 - Dec 2023)
- Generation of merged RADAR, Rain-gauge and Satellite Precipitation and Retrieval of Cloud Microphysical parameters using DWR and Numerical Model Products Sponsored by Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Govt. of India, (Rs. 86.90 laks) Co-Principal Investigator, PI- Dr.Jayanti Pal, 2022-2025.
- Water Resources Situation Analysis to Promote Sustainable Groundwater Development of Mewat District, Haryana, India (Sponsored by IGES, Japan & Project Amount 17,230 USD) – Project Investigator
- Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in the Luni River Basin, Rajasthan, India, using CORDEX results – Project in collaboration with Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (Sida funded project, 2.1 million SEK)
- Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Water Availability Using Improved Climate Change Scenarios – A Case of Banas River Basin, Rajasthan. (UGC Start up) - Project Investigator (Project Amount – INR 6.0 Lakhs, 2 yrs)
- Low carbon urban water environment project. Project in funded by United Nation University, Japan (UNU, Japan) - Co-PI (Project Amount - USD 12320.00)
- Assessment of Climate-Induced Long-term Water Availability in Ganges Basin and Impacts on Energy Security in South Asia. Project in collaboration with IGES, Japan (APN funded project); (Project Amount – 80,000 USD, Duration: 2 yrs, Countries Involved: Japan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh)
- Developing an Operational Water Security Index and Its Application in Selected Diverse Regions of Asia. Project in collaboration with AIT, Thailand and funded by APN) - (Project Amount – 80,000 USD; Duration-2 yrs; Countries Involved: Thailand, India, Vietnam)
- Water-Energy-Food nexus perspective: Path making for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to country actions in Asia. Project in collaboration with IGES, Japan (APN funded project); (Project Amount – 80,000 USD, Duration: 2 yrs, Countries Involved: Japan, India, Vietnam, Bangladesh)
- Building capacities for water security assessment in Asian cities (CBA2019-FP17-Babel), APN Funded (Jan 2021 onwards)
- Workshops on 'Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Water Management' and 'Rainwater Harvesting' organized by CII in partnership with Ministry of Water Resources at Silver Oak Hall, IHC, New Delhi, on 17 March, 2009.
- International Digital Governance and Hotspot Geoinformatics Workshop- Part 1, June 1-3, 2009, TERI University, New Delhi
- Australia-India Workshop on the Future of Water Security under Climate Change, organized by the Australia-India Institute, University of Melbourne, Australia, New Delhi, September 14, 2009
- "Tackling Water and Food Crisis in South Asia: Insights from Indus- Gangetic Basin” International Workshop organized by IWMI, December 2-3, 2009 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
- Sustainable Cities Symposia TERI and the University of Birmingham at Winterbourne House & Garden, University of Birmingham 11 -15 October 2010
- The Yamuna River: A Confluence of Waters, A Crisis of Need. 3-4 January 2011. Workshop organized by TERI and Yale University, TERI University, New Delhi
- Water Security and Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities. 13-15 April 2011, India Water Forum organized by TERI, Stein Auditorium, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
- Water and Environmental Issues of Ganga River Basin Management Plan. 4th November2011. Workshop organized by IIT Delhi and North India Chapter of EWRI of ASCE
- Project inception meeting at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand 24th January 2015 as project collaborator from India under APN funded project (ARCP2014-16NMY-Babel)
- Project workshop at Thuyloi University, Hanoi, Vietnam 0n 27th May 2015 as project collaborator from India under APN funded project (ARCP2014-16NMY-Babel)
- Project workshop at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, 0n 3rd September 2015 as project collaborator from India under APN funded project (ARCP2014-16NMY-Babel)
- One day workshop on GIS organised by Department of Information -Technology and Communication, Govt. of Rajasthan and NIIT University (Neemrana) on 5th February 2016.
- Workshop on “Developing an operational water security index, and demonstrating its application in diverse regions of Asia” at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, 0n 9th June 2017 as project collaborator from India under APN funded project (ARCP2014-16NMY-Babel)
- Workshop on “Developing an operational water security index, and demonstrating its application in diverse regions of Asia” at Thuyloi University, Vietnam, 0n 12 December 2017 as project collaborator from India under APN funded project (ARCP2014-16NMY-Babel)
- Consultative workshop and field survey under the international collaborative research project on “Developing Urban-Rural partnerships framework to mitigate climate-induced water availability impacts on Food, Energy, and Water (FEW) security at regional level” funded by Asia-Pacific Global Change Research Network (APN), VNIT Nagpur, India, 25- 26 July 2022
- Consultative workshop and field survey on Developing Urban-Rural Partnerships Framework to Mitigate Climate-induced Water Availability Impacts on Food, Energy, and Water (FEW) Security at Regional Level funded by Asia-Pacific Global Change Research Network (APN), BSMRAU, Gazipur, Bangladesh, 12-15 September 2022
- Workshop on “Measuring Urban Water Security” at National Institute of Urban Affair, New Delhi (part of international collaborative research project on “Building capacities for water security assessment in Asian cities” funded by Asia-Pacific Global Change Research Network (APN), 17-18 August 2022, 2022
- Workshop on “Measuring Urban Water Security” at Thuyloi University, Hanoi. Vietnam (part of international collaborative research project on “Building capacities for water security assessment in Asian cities” funded by Asia-Pacific Global Change Research Network (APN), 22-23 September 2022
- Workshop on “Measuring Urban Water Security” at Tribhuvan University, Nepal (part of international collaborative research project on “Building capacities for water security assessment in Asian cities” funded by Asia-Pacific Global Change Research Network (APN), 27-29 September 2022, 2022
- Research collaboration programme under the Japan-India Bilateral Research Project “Ecosystem centric rural revitalization: Bridging the urban-rural dichotomy toward post COVID resilient recovery”, IGES Japan, 3-9 December 2022
- International Training programme on “Integrated approach towards sustainable development” from 05-07-2010 to 24-07-2010 at TERI University (Sponsored by Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India)
- One day project workshop entitled “Groundwater situation analysis in Mewat district” on 25th March 2011 at TERI University (Sponsored by IGES, Japan)
- International Training programme on “Integrated approach towards sustainable development “from 04-07-2011 to 23-07-2011 at TERI University (Sponsored by Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India)
- National Workshop on “Climate Change- Adaptation and Mitigation for Sustainable Development” on 10-11th October 2011 at Central University of Rajasthan, Kishangarh, Rajasthan
- One day project workshop on "Adaptation and mitigation options for tackling the impacts of climate change on water resources in the Luni River Basin", 6th November 2013 at Central University of Rajasthan, Kishangarh, Rajasthan ((in collaboration with SMHI, Sweden and funded by Sida)
- International Workshop on "Climate Change Impacts and Societal Adaptation" from 7-8th November 2013 at Central University of Rajasthan, Kishangarh, Rajasthan (in collaboration with SMHI, Sweden and funded by Sida)
- One day project stakeholders' workshop on "Developing an operational water security index, and demonstrating its application in diverse regions of Asia", 10th March 2015 at Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur (in collaboration with AIT, Thailand, and MNIT, Jaipur and supported by APN for Global Change Research)
- One day project stakeholders' workshop on "Harnessing of Climate-Water-Energy Nexus for Resource Security in the Ganga River Basin", 20th April 2015 at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi (in collaboration with IGES, Japan, and JNU, New Delhi and supported by APN for Global Change Research)
- Three days training workshop on Geospatial Technologies from 18-20th February 2017 sponsored by DST-NRDMS (as Co-Convener)
- Two days Workshop on awareness of climate change IRADe Workshop
- One day project stakeholders' second workshop on "Developing an operational water security index, and demonstrating its application in diverse regions of Asia", 22nd October 2017 at Ramada Hotel, Jaipur (in collaboration with AIT, Thailand and supported by APN for Global Change Research)
- One day workshop on "Harnessing of Climate-Water-Energy Nexus for Resource Security in the Ganga River Basin", 20th November 2018 at Department of Environmental Science, Central University of Rajasthan (in collaboration with IGES, Japan, and CREEW, Nepal and supported by APN for Global Change Research)
- Two days International workshop on “Water-Energy-Food Nexus Perspective: Path Making for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to Country Actions in Asia”, 25-26th June 2019 at Department of Atmospheric Science, Central University of Rajasthan (in collaboration with IGES, Japan, and supported by APN for Global Change Research)
- Organized a two-day workshop on “Industry-Academia Connect in Atmospheric Science” on 10-11 February 2023. The main goal to organize this workshop will be to develop and strengthen the association between industry and Central University of Rajasthan.
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