Personal Information

Dr. Jayanti Pal

Assistant Professor

CSIR-UGC NET (JRF), Ph.D. (University of Calcutta)



Research Interest

  • Indian monsoon dynamics and Variability
  • Climate change and Extreme Weather Events
  • Tropical Dynamics and Air-Sea Interaction

PH.D. Credential

  1. Qualification:  Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science
  2. Year of Award: 2016
  3. Defend of Ph.D. Thesis: July 2016
  4. Supervisor: Prof. Sutapa Chaudhuri
  5. Title of Thesis: Dynamics and Predictability Of Weather and Climate Systems
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University of Calcutta

Atmospheric Science


5.037 (CGPA Scale: 6)


M.Sc Project title: Nowcasting Bardoichila with a composite stability Index over Gauhati, India


University of Calcutta

Atmospheric Science

















  • IMS Life Member (LM-2951)
  • Member in South Asian Meteorological Association (SAMA)
  • Member in AGU Natural Hazards Early Career Committee


  1. CSIR UGC NET (National Eligibility Test) JRF                                August 2012 -2016


Past Experience

Research Associate  (Feb, 2017- 03 Jul 2019)

Working as research associate in the Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Calcutta under a project funded by Space Application Centre (SAC), ISRO, Ahmadabad, Govt. of India

Project title: Condition-Decision support system to identify Cyclogenesis over North Indian Ocean for developing and non-developing cyclonic storms: Numerical simulation using SCATSAT-1 data

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S. No. Authors Title of Article Journal/Conference Details Journal/Conference Publication Year
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1. 2020-2023: UGC-BSR start-up project "Recent Changes in Indian Ocean Dipole in repsonse to the tropical Indian Ocean Sea Surface Temperature Patterns and its Consequences" (July 2020-July 2023) (Budget: 10 Lakhs) (Ref: No. F. 30-528/2020(BSR))

2. 2022-2025: "Generation of merged RADAR, Rain-gauge and Satellite Precipitation and Retrieval of Cloud Microphysical parameters using DWR and Numerical Model Products" funded by Ministry of Earth Science (Budget: Rs. 86,90,270/- ; Ref: MOES/16/02/2021-RDESS/NARM-2 dated 06.12.2022)




1.       National Seminar on “Tropical Weather its variability and predictability” organized by the Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Calcutta held on 26th March, 2011.

2.       4th round table national conference on “Sustainable Agriculture and climate change” organized by the National Council for Climate Change and Sustainable Agriculture (NCCSD) of India and South Asian forum for Environment (SAFE) held on 8-9th April,2011 at Taj Bengal, Kolkata.

3.       UGC sponsored National conference on “Recent Researches in Earth System Science” jointly organized by Department of Geography and Geology, Asutosh College in collaboration with Geological Mining and Metallurgical Society of India, Geology Society of India, Kolkata-19 on Feb 11-12, 2012

4.       Paper presented in 19th West Bengal State Science and Technology Congress 2012 Organized by Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics and West Bengal and Technology Department, Govt. Of West Bengal, 1-2 March 2012.

5.       Paper presented in National Seminar on “Climate Change and Environment Impact Assessment-Indian perspective “ held on 21-22nd March, 2013 at Netaji Institute for Asian Studies, Kolkata.

6.       Paper presented in “Water scarcity: climate, conservation and perception” held at Department of Atmospheric Science on 25th March, 2014.

7.      Paper Presented in National Seminar on “Climate Change and Weather Extreme” organized by Disaster Management collaborate with Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Calcutta and Indian Meteorological Department on 5th March 2016

8.       International Workshop on Representation of Physical Processes in Weather and Climate Models (INTROSPECT) organized by Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune held on 13-16 February, 2017

9.      Paper presented in International Workshop on Climate Extremes: Observation, Analysis and Modelling (INTCOAM) organized by Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Calcutta held on 27th February, 2017 in Park Plaza, Kolkata

10.   Paper presented in National Seminar on “Monsoon and its variability” a tribute to Late Sir D.R.Sikka organized by Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Calcutta on 18th April, 2017

11.   Paper presented in National Seminar on “Thunderstorm: Socio-Economic Impacts, early warning and risk management” organized by Indian Meteorologiocal Society (Kolkata Chapter) and Regional meteorological centre, Kolkata in collaboration with Department of Disaster Management and Civil Defence, Govt. of India on 29th April, 2017

12.   Paper presented in International Seminar on “Geospatial technology Application and climate change (GTACC)” organized by ISRS (Kolkata Chapter) on 19th – 20th January, 2018

13.   Presented a poster on ‘Seasonal variability of different modes of Tropical Indian Ocean Sea Surface Temperature in warming climate’ in the SOLAS Indian Ocean meeting on 2020, 30 September (Online)

14.   Presented "Recent changes in Different modes of Indian Ocean in warming climate" in International Virtual Conference on "EARTH'S CHANGING CLIMATE: Past, Present & Future" held in 15-17 October 2020  Organized by The Society of Earth Scientists Co-organized by Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeosciences, Lucknow Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research, Goa National Institute of Disaster Management, Delhi National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru (Online)

15.   Presented paper in National Virtual Symposium (TROPMET 2020) on Weather and Climate services over Mountain Regions Jointly organized by North eastern Space Centre and Indian Meteorological Society - Shilong Chapter held on 14-17th December 2020.

16.   Presented paper in the international symposium on Tropical Meteorology (INTROMET ’21) on Changing Climate: Consequences & Challenges (C4-’21) organized by Indian Meteorological Society. Cochin Chapter and hosted by Cochin University of Science, Kerala during November 23-26, 2021

17. Participated and made oral presentation in the National Symposium TROPMET-2022 organised by the Indian Meteorological Society on "Advances in Weather and Climate Prediction and Climate Change Projection over South Asia: Applications in Water and Agriculture Sectors" from 29 November - 02 December 2022 at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal (IISERB).


1.       First training workshop on “Climate Modelling: Simulations and Analysis” under a research project sponsored by the Department of science and Technology govt. Of India held during 9-21 Dec, 2013 at the Centre for Atmospheric Science, IIT Delhi.

2.       Second training workshop on “Climate Modelling: Simulations and Analysis” under a research project sponsored by the Department of science and Technology govt. Of India held during 6-22 June, 2014 at the Centre for Atmospheric Science, IIT Delhi.

3.       Third training workshop on “Climate Modelling: Simulations and Analysis” under a research project sponsored by the Department of science and Technology govt. Of India held during 1-12 June, 2015 at the Centre for Atmospheric Science, IIT Delhi.

4.       SMART training program organized by SAC, ISRO in Ahmadabad held on 19th -21st October, 2016

5.        Training on “Remote Sensing & GIS Technology and Applications for University Teachers & Government Officials” conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS),ISRO Dehradun, during 13-06-2020 to 01-07-2020 .

6.       Participated in and completed online the 10th ICTP Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models (Common Lessons) 08 - 12 November 2021

7.       Participated and successfully completed 04 weeks online Faculty Induction Programme for Faculty members of HEIs organized by TLC Central University of Rajasthan (CURAJ) from 20.01.2021 to 16.02.2021

8.       Participated and successfully completed the 5-day online FDP on the theme “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) from 14th March, 2022 to 18th March, 2022.

9.       Participated and successfully completed Two weeks interdisciplinary Refresher course on “Advanced Research Methodology and Multivariate data analysis” from 30th April to 12th May 2022 organized by Teaching Learning centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi.



1.  Organized and Participated in 2nd International Workshop on “Extreme Severe Storms and Disaster Mitigation Strategies” held in February 27-29, 2020 sponsored by Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University and Sumitomo Foundation, Japan.

2. Organized and Participated in 2nd International Workshop on “Asian Precipitation Experiment (AsiaPEX)/South Asia (SA)” held in February 27-29, 2020 sponsored by Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University and Sumitomo Foundation, Japan.

3.  Organized International Lecture series in Atmospheric Science comprising six online lectures lecture during March 2021.