Page 103 - CURAJ Information Handbook for SC ST Cell
P. 103

For  selected  candidates,  air  passage  to  the  destination  abroad  and  back  to  India,  will  be
            provided by economy class and shortest route through arrangement with the national carrier.

            The candidates, who have already reached abroad, will not be considered for passage grants.

            The  prospective  candidates  may  contact  the  Department  of  Empowerment  of  Persons  with
            Disabilities for obtaining the application form for applying for the passage grant.

            DEPwD  will  remit  the  scholarship  amount  in  the  beneficiary  bank  account  through  DBT.
            However,  reports  of  the  concerned  Indian  Embassies/High  Commissions  abroad  will  be

            obtained in order to verify the authenticity/recognition of the Institute/College/University of
            study.  The  progress  report  of  the  students  shall  be  obtained  from  the  concerned
            College/Institute/University  through  Indian  Embassy/High  Commission  before  release  of
            annual maintenance, tuition fees and other allowances.

            17.21 DEFAULTS UNDER THE SCHEME:

            In case a candidate pursuing studies abroad violates any of the terms and conditions of the
            bonds  executed  by  him/her  and  that  the  educational  institution/  university  intimates  the
            Indian Mission abroad about his/her adverse reports on studies and/or conduct and/ or that
            the candidate leaves for any other country or absconds or joins any other university or course/
            programme or/ and returns to India in case of exigency without intimating the Indian Mission
            abroad, he/ she will be declared defaulter and will become liable for refund of entire amount
            spent on him/her along with the interest which will be 12% per annum and in case an awardee

            fails to repay the amount within six months from the date on which a demand for such refund
            is made, penal interest at the rate which is 2.5% higher than the above normal rate of interest
            ori the outstanding amount would be charged. If the awardee fails to repay such amount along
            with interest thereon in the manner decided by Government of India, his/ her sureties who
            have executed bonds, will be liable to pay the entire amount failing which the District Collector
            of the concerned district will realize the amount as arrears ·of land revenue.


            If any candidate has furnished any false information/document and is established as false, he/
            she will be debarred from the award and if he/ she has availed of it or is availing, an action will
            be  initiated  for  recovery  of  the  amount  spent  with  15%  compound  interest  thereon.  Such
            candidate will also be black listed for future and the employed candidate will also have to face
            departmental action for such act, for which the Government of India will take up the matter
            with  the  respective  employers.  The  respective  employers  are,  therefore,  also  requested  to
            carefully go through contents of application of their employees before forwarding the same to
            this Ministry. The employers are also free to insist on candidates employed by them to execute

            such bonds with them, as they deem fit and necessary and in accordance with their rules and
            regulations in such cases.

            17.23 MANDATORY CONDITIONS:
            (i)    Candidates  who  are  in  employment  must  forward  their  applications  through  their

                   employer  along  with  a  No  Objection  Certificate  (NOC)  by  the  employer  to  this

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