Page 102 - CURAJ Information Handbook for SC ST Cell
P. 102

a) Ph.D. -- 04 years (Four years)

            b) Master's Degree -- 03 years (Three years)
            The extension of stay beyond prescribed period for levels of courses as mentioned above, may

            be considered without financial assistance of any kind except the air passage to return to India,
            if  and  only  if  recommendation  of  the  competent  concerned  authority  in  the  educational
            institution/ university as well as the Indian Mission abroad is received certifying that such an
            overstay for a specified period, is absolutely essential for facilitating the candidate to complete
            the course. The final decision in this regard will, however, rest with the Government of India

            17.18 SELECTION PROCEDURE:

            The  candidates  shall  after  assessing  their  eligibility  and  suitability,  as  per  conditions  of  the
            Scheme,  apply  to  Department  of  Empowerment  of  Persons  with  Disabilities  (employed
            candidates through proper channel), in the prescribed application form which is given in the
            website of this Department at The candidates who have already
            left the country and are pursuing studies abroad prior to selection will not be considered for
            award  of  scholarship.  The  receipt  of  applications  of  National  Overseas  Scholarship  shall  be

            open throughout the year. However, the Scheme shall be advertised in the national newspapers
            (dailies) from time to time giving summarized information about the Scheme. The applications
            received from time to time shall be screened by the Screening Committee. The candidates short
            listed by the Screening Committee shall be placed before the Selection Committee. The merit
            list  prepared,  on  the  basis  of  assessment  of  individual  candidates  educational  qualifications
            and experience, by the Selection Committee will finally and decisively complete the selection
            procedure to decide the merit. In case of a tie between two or more candidates, the one who is
            eldest in age (as per the date of birth) will be placed above the others, as per respective dates
            of birth as recorded in Secondary School Certificate.

            The constitution of Screening and Selection Committee will be decided by Government of India.
            The  Selection  Committee  will  be  headed  by  the  Joint  Secretary  dealing  with  Scholarships

            Scheme in the DEPwD and the Member-Secretary will be Director.
            17.19 PASSAGE GRANTS

            In addition to the "National Overseas Scholarship for Students with Disabilities" in accordance
            with  the  terms  and  conditions  laid  down  hereinabove,  there  is  also  a  provision  of  "Passage
            Grants" to two Students with Disabilities in a year which are open throughout the year.

            Only  those  Students  with  Disabilities  who  are  in  receipt  of  a  merit  scholarship  for  Post
            Graduate  Studies,  Research  or  Training  abroad  (excluding  attending  seminars,  workshops,
            conferences}, from a foreign government/organization or under any other scheme, where the

            cost of passage is not provided, shall be eligible to apply.

            The candidates should possess a Master's or an equivalent degree in Technical, Engineering
            and Science disciplines. The eligibility conditions otherwise will be same as contained in the
            scheme of "National Overseas Scholarship for Students with Disabilities".

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