Page 104 - CURAJ Information Handbook for SC ST Cell
P. 104

Department  so  as  to  reach  on  or  before  the  last  date  of  receipt  of  applications  as
                   specified in the advertisement.
            (ii)   The  finally  selected  candidates  are  required  to  obtain  admission  and  join  only  an
                   accredited  university/  institution  abroad  within  three  years  from  the  date  of
                   communication of selection. On expiry of this specified period of time, the award will
                   automatically get cancelled and come to an end. No request for extension of time for
                   availing the award is permissible under the Scheme.

            (iii)   The selected candidate is required to execute a bond on the non-judicial stamp paper
                   before a notary public with two sureties who will execute surety bond separately for the
                   actual  amount  to  be  spent  by  Government  of  India  on  the  candidate  or  Rs.  50,000/-
                   (fifty thousand) whichever is more. Each of the surety bonds shall specify and cover for
                   the estimated expenditure in Indian Rupees that would be incurred as travel expenses,
                   fees,  maintenance  and  contingency  allowances,  stipends,  scholarship  and  other
                   miscellaneous expenses, on the awardee during the entire period of study abroad and
                   shall  become  payable  by  the  sureties  jointly  or/  or  severally  in  case  the  awardee  is
                   declared a defaulter by the DEPwD under the provisions of the scheme. The language of
                   the bond as decided by the Government of India will be acceptable to the candidate. The

                   selected candidates have to provide Solvency Certificate for both the sureties issued by
                   Revenue Department of the concerned State Government.
            (iv)   The selected candidate will also be required to execute a bond with this Department and
                   the  Indian  Mission  abroad,  as  per  prevailing  laws  of  the  foreign  country,  that  the
                   extension of stay abroad beyond completion of the course or duration of the scholarship
                   under the Scheme, whichever is earlier will not be permissible. The candidate/ awardee
                   shall  not  seek  any  extension  of  stay  abroad  beyond  the  duration  for  which  the
                   scholarship  is  awarded.  The  language  of  the  bond  as  decided  by  the  Government  of

                   India will be acceptable to candidate.
            (v)    The candidate shall not change the course of study or research for which scholarship
                   has been sanctioned.
            (vi)   The  candidate  will  give  an  undertaking  that  he  will  allow  his  university  to  share
                   information  with  concerned  Indian  Mission  abroad  and  the  Department  of
                   Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities.
            (vii)  The  selected  candidate  can  pursue  their  respective  studies  in  an  accredited
                   institution/university  in  a  country  of  their  choice  with  which  India  has  diplomatic
                   relations, but this will be subject to prior written approval of the Government of India,
                   whose decision will be final and not challengeable. The candidates are required to make

                   their  own  efforts  in  seeking  admission  in  an  accredited  institution/university  in
                   programmes/fields specified in the scheme.
            (viii)  In case the married candidates take a decision to take their spouse and children with
                   them or join them subsequently during the period of study, it is entirely for them to
                   assess  their  financial  potential  and  availability  of  passport,  visa  etc.,  as  no  financial
                   assistance  of  any  kind  as  well  as  any  other  support  coverage  is  provided  under  the
                   Scheme for their spouse and children.

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