Personal Information
Dr. Jaya Kritika Ojha
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (IIT Roorkee), MA (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy), M.Sc. (GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar), FDPM-IIM Ahmedabad
- Digitalization and Development, ICT&D
- Community Informatics & Sustainability
- Women, Livelihoods and Technology
- Rurbanisation, Digital Ecosystem and PURA
- Social Mobilisation, Commons and Collective Action
- Capabilities and Empowerment
- Social Research Methods, Qualitative Monitoring and Impact Assessment
- Ph.D. (IIT Roorkee)
- MA (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
- M.Sc. (GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar)
- FDPM-IIM Ahmedabad
The current research work is focussed on:
- ICT and Development
- Community Informatics & Sustainability
- Women, Livelihoods and Digital Ecosystem
S. No. | Authors | Title of Article | Journal/Conference Details | Journal/Conference | Publication Year |
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Research project awarded:
1. Project Title: Digital Ecosystem for Rural Women Artisans of Thar Desert
- Project Director/ PI
- Project amount: Rs. 2,00,000
- Funded by: Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education (MGNCRE), Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India
- Year of Project Sanctioned: 2021
2. Project Title: DST-CPR STI Financing Understanding and Investment Priorities for STI Sector at the Sub National Levels
- Co-PI
- Project amount: Rs 28,88,292
- Funded by: Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India
- Year of Project Sanctioned: 2023
Paper Presentations in International and National Conferences (since 2020):
- Presented a paper titled "Bridging Citizens and Government through Digital Innovation in Governance: A Case of Connect Punjab Portal in Punjab, India". International Conference on Business Innovation Excellence for Strategic Transformation (IC-BIEST2024), organized by Mohamed Sathak Department of Management Studies - MS-DoMS, Chennai, (28 Feb 2024).
- Presented a paper titled "Digital Transition in Rural Craft Enterprises: Enhancing Artisans' Market Access and Sustainability in Thar Desert". World Management Conference-2023 organised by Chandragupta Institute of Management (CIMP), Patna (21-22 Sept., 2023).
- Presented a paper titled "Transforming Public Distribution System through Electronic Point of Sale (ePOS): A Case of Vellanoor, Kerala". International Seminar on Recent Trends in Business, Economics and Management, Tripura University, Agartala (07-08 July, 2023).
- Presented a paper titled "Women Collectives Towards Sustainability: A Case Study of Hansiba in India". International Conference on Environmental, Social and Governance organised by AMDISA and RIMS, Hyderabad (27th-28th June 2023).
- Presented a paper titled " The Crafts Sector and Digital Ecosystem for Rural Women Artisans in Western Rajasthan". FDP Conference cum Reunion. Organised by IIM Ahmedabad, Gujarat (26-27th May 2023).
- Presented a paper titled "Innovations and Resilience in the Digital Economy: An Analysis of India and China". International Conference on Growth, Resilience, and Sustainability in an Uncertain World. Organised by the Department of Economics, CURAJ and ICSSR (11-12April 2023).
- Presented a paper titled, "Pastoralism: Recalibrating Traditional Practices to Ensure Futurability in Thar Desert of Rajasthan". National Conference on “Ecological Disruption and Pastoralism: Indigenous Knowledge in Ecological Restoration”. Organised by Department of Social Work, CURAJ in collaboration with the Anthropological Survey of India (ASI), Govt. of India (9-10th February 2023).
- Presented a paper titled, "Assessing Digital Landscape for Rural Women Artisans of Thar Desert of Rajasthan". International Conference on “Dialogues and Deliberations in Social Sciences and Humanities (ICDDSSH-2022). Organized by Sabarmati University, Ahmedabad (29-30 July 2022).
- Presented a paper titled, “Challenges, Coping-up and Digital Interventions of Women Artisans of Thar Desert of Western Rajasthan. International Conference on “Empowering Women Entrepreneurs from the Grassroots to Global”. Organized by Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India-Ahmedabad, sponsored by Ministry of Micro Small & Medium Enterprises, Government of India (24-25 February 2022).
- Presented a paper titled, “Negotiation for Digital Spaces: Perceptions of Young Girls of Thar Desert of Western Rajasthan”. International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals and Gender Perspective, NIT Surat, Gujarat (25-26 October 2021).
- Presented a paper titled, “Women Artisans and Digital Transition in Challenging Times”. International Conference on Emerging Issues in Business and Management organised by Department of Commerce and Department of Economics, Ramthakur College, Tripura University (6th-8th October 2021).
- Presented a paper titled, “Pastoralism: A Sustainable Livelihood Alternative in Deserts of Western Rajasthan”. National Conference on Social Work in Rural Societies: Reflections on Method and Practice, TISS Tuljapur (August 27-28, 2021).
- Presented a paper titled, “The Entrepreneurial Challenges, Risk Mitigation and Coping Mechanisms of Women Artisans and Rural Enterprises in Thar Desert of Rajasthan”. 8th National Conference on Diversity & Development, TISS Mumbai (August 21-22, 2021).
- Presented a paper titled, “Digital Transformation of Home-based Women Artisans during COVID-19 Pandemic in the Thar Desert of Rajasthan”. Global Conference on Innovations in Management and Business organised by Howard University-USA, Chapman University-USA and NIT Warangal-India (Virtual) (July 27-28, 2021).
- Presented a paper titled, “Perceptions of Rural Girls on Higher Education in Thar Desert of Western Rajasthan, India”. International Conference on ‘A Fair Chance for Education: Problematising Access and Mapping Gendered Pathways to Higher Education in India’, organised by Warwick University, UK and Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS Mumbai) at Warwick, UK (Virtual mode) (July 15-16, 2021).
- Presented a paper titled, “Interventions, Convergence and Sustenance Strategies for Rural Producers to Cope with Challenging Times in Western Rajasthan” presented at International Virtual Conference on Entrepreneurship During Challenging Times: Strategies for Success & Sustenance, in Technical Session: Entrepreneurship in Difficult Times, organised by Entrepreneurship Development Cell, Faculty of Management Studies, Mohan Lal Sukhadia University, Udaipur (19-20 June 2021).
- Presented a paper titled, “Deciphering Digital Education in Post-Pandemic India through Systems Perspective” presented at 23rd National Conference on ‘Rebuilding Sustainable Economy Post COVID’, organised by Srusti Academy of Management and Sanskriti University, Odisha. (19-20 March 2021)
- Presented a paper titled, “Addressing Poor Management of Common Property Resources in Thar Desert of Rajasthan: Moving Towards Participatory Management and Inclusive Governance” presented at Annual e-Conference on Management, Economics and Development-2020, organised by National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India (29-30 December 2020).
Faculty Development Programmes/ Training Programs
- Six Day Faculty Development Programme on “Mentoring Institutional Social Responsibility and Facilitation for Community Engagement” organized by Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education, Government of India in collaboration with Faculty of Social Work, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda.(19-24 September, 2022)
- Professional Development Programme (PDP) on ‘Implementation of NEP2020 for University and College Teachers’, organized by Indira Gandhi National Open University under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching. (09-17 September, 2022).
- One week Faculty Development Programme on “Education 4.0”, organised by TLC-Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), GoI. (August 13 – 19, 2022)
- Two-Week Refresher Course on Advanced Research Methodology, organised by TLC-Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), GoI. (March 22, 2022-April 5, 2022)
- Participated in the Four Weeks Online Induction Training Program for Faculty Members of HEIs under the Ministry of Education-sponsored by Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), organized by Central University of Rajasthan. (20 January-16 February 2021)
- Three day’s Online Training Program on “Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Place” organised by Centre for Management Studies H.C.M . Rajasthan State Institute of Public Administration, Jaipur. (22-24 Sept, 2021)
- Participated in the ‘Ten Days Online Faculty Development Program on Teaching Learning and Assessment’ under the Ministry of Education-sponsored by Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), organized by Central University of Rajasthan. (23 November- 3 December 2020)
Best Paper Award
- Best Paper Award for paper titled “Interventions, Convergence and Sustenance Strategies for Rural Producers to Cope with Challenging Times in Western Rajasthan” at the International Virtual Conference on Entrepreneurship During Challenging Times: Strategies for Success & Sustenance, in Technical Session: Entrepreneurship in Difficult Times, organised by Entrepreneurship Development Cell, Faculty of Management Studies, Mohan Lal Sukhadia University, Udaipur (June 19-20, 2021)