Personal Information

Dr. Gyana Ranjan Panda
Masters in Political Science (Ravenshaw University), M. Phil, and Ph. D from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), UGC-NET.
Public Policy and Governance, Public Finances, Energy, Climate Change, Gender Budgeting, Water and Sanitation, Big Data and Public Policy, Policy, Politics, and Governance in Digital Era.
Academic Summary:
Qualifications: Master’s in Political Science (Ravenshaw University), M. Phil, and Ph. D from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), UGC-NET Qualified.
Years of Experiences: 14 Years
Research Interests: Public Policy and Governance, Energy, Climate Change, Gender, Public Finances, Water and Sanitation, Big Data and Public Policy, Policy, Politics and Governance in Digital Era.
Academic Excellence/Awards: International Development Research Centre’s (IDRC) India Social Science Research Awards 2009 for best policy research on Climate Change; Finalist in Global Development Network (GDN) Medals for Research on Development- 2012 (International level policy research competition). Chancellor Award for Best Faculty in Central University of Rajasthan (2019)
Research Projects Managed: Climate Development Knowledge Network (CDKN); Climate Works Foundation; OXFAM India; WaterAid India; IDRC;
Current Research Project: UGC-MRP, National Commission for Women, Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), IMPRESS Project (Ministry of Education).
Ph.D Student Supervised: 01(Completed); 03 (Under Supervision).
Publications: 30 (International-5; EPW-2; Edited Book -1; Book Chapters- 6, Policy Brief-5, Working Papers/Briefing Papers/Background Papers-6).
Country Travelled: China, Philippines, South Africa, Hungary, UAE, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal.
Current Employer: Assistant Professor, Department of Public Policy, Law and Governance, Central University of Rajasthan. Working since August 12, 2013.
Previous Employment: (1) Various Research Positions (Research associate Senior Research Officer, Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability, New Delhi; Tenure: Working since August 1, 2007- August 11, 2013. (2) Project Fellow, National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi, Tenure: July 2003- March 2007.
Languages Known: English and Hindi
1. Project Title: ‘Gender and State Climate Change Action Plans in India: Research and policies to enable poor women and rural communities adapt to climate change’
Donor: Climate & Development Knowledge Network
Position: Principal Investigator
Duration: 01/04/2012 till 30/06/2013
Funding Amount: 9.56 lakhs
The Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) supported study has attempted to look into various adaptation centric policies and expenditure frameworks in select states such as Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal from the perspective of Gender. A policy paper is now currently accepted for publication in Handbook on Climate Change Adaptation (2014) which will be published by Springer Publisher.
2. Project Title: “Assessment of Expenditure Priorities for Low Carbon Economy in India: The Study of Union Budgets”.
Donor: Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation / Climate Works Foundation (Washington DC.)
Position: Principal Investigator
Duration: 01/09/2011 till 31/07/2013
Funding Amount: 16 lakhs
Supported by Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, the project intends to develop a comprehensive methodology on expenditure priorities of the Union Government that would increase the responsiveness of the Government towards mitigating climate change and promoting Low Carbon Economy (LCE) in the country. In order to develop such methodology, the study analyses some broad questions such as relevant national policies formulated recently for reducing carbon emissions, various mitigation-centric national missions, National Mission on Energy Efficiency, covered under National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), and other Centrally Sponsored Schemes which are instrumental in furthering the objectives of LCE.
2. 1. Research Study: Framework and Performance of the National Clean Energy Fund (NCEF)
Supported by Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, the study attempts to read critically the operational aspect of the National Clean Energy Fund (NCEF) so that interested individuals, private players and organization or consortiums of above mentioned stakeholders would explore the opportunity of additional resources available with the Union Government, so that they can put their knowledge for the innovation and promotion of clean energy technology in the country. The study highlights the application process of various projects proposals for availing funding opportunities under NCEF, the role of Inter-ministerial Group (IMG) in the process of appraisal of projects proposals, and finally evaluates NCEF in its present context. The outcome of the study is a policy brief which is being shared with the Members of Parliament to take up the issue for the monsoon session of the Parliament. The published policy paper can be accessed by
2.2. Research Study: Assessing Low Carbon Expenditure in the Transport Sector in India
Supported by Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, the study attempts to critically examine the Transport sector in India through Low Carbon lens and try to assess how much public spendingincurs especially by the Union Government. The study taking into account various central sectors schemes in the context of certain low carbon parameters such as (1) Modal shift in the share of passengers using private transport to public and non-motorised transport system, (2) Modal shifts of freights from road transport to other modes such as rail and wherever required using water/shipping transport as medium of increasing domestic freight operation, (3) Improve fuel efficiencies in the transport sectors (Methodology Paper is under review).
2.3. Research Study: Public Spending towards Harnessing Renewable Energy in India
Supported by Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, the study looks critically the inter-linkage between public spending and policy priorities for the renewable energy sector in the country. Tapping renewable energy sources hence is being mooted as an alternative proposal for meeting the deficiency in energy access and also reducing import dependency for the economy. The current budgetary outlays for the sector is extremely limited and pegged within 0.1% of the Union Budgets. There is huge scope for improving public expenditure for the sector. The policy paper is available on
3. Project Title: Public Provisioning for Water and Sanitation: An Analysis of Budgets at the State level.
Donor: WaterAid India
Position: Co-Principal Investigator
Duration: 01/01/2011 till 31/03/2013
Funding Amount: 30.96 lakhs
Supported by WaterAid India, the research study attempts to look into the estimations of public expenditures for rural drinking water and sanitation in Madhya Pradesh from the perspective of poor and marginalized communities. This study also covers the issues of Life Cycle Cost Analysis of rural drinking water in Madhya Pradesh and also developing benchmarking for public provisioning required for comprehensive service delivery in the country. Two Working Papers are under review for its’ publications.
4. Research Study title: “Public Provisioning for Adaptation to Climate Change in India: An Analysis of the Union Budget of India for 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09, 2009-10” (Completed 2009)
Donor: Oxfam India
Position: Co-Principal Investigator
Duration: 01/02/2009 till 31/07/2009
Funding Amount: 5.35 lakhs
The study, implemented by Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability, has come out very distinctly that the public spending on adaptation is skewed towards components such as poverty eradication programmes where as the components such as disaster management, forestry, coastal zone management are neglected areas of interventions. The study finds that at least 2.6% of GDP is spent on adaptation expenditure from the Union Budget in 2011-12, in which 85% of the expenditure is channelized towards building human capacities of individual to adapt to climate change. The paper won International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Social Science Research Award for best public policy research on Climate Change in 2009. The published study is available in the public domain as Oxfam Working paper and can be accessed by
5.Research Study title: “Constraints in Effective Utilization of Funds in the Social Sector: A Study on Rajnandgaon District of Chhattisgarh” (Completed in 2009).
Study, “Constraints in Effective Utilization of Funds in the Social Sector: A Study on Lalitpur District of Uttar Pradesh” (Completed in 2009).
Donor: UNICEF India, Position: Co-Principal Investigator
Duration: 01/09/2007 till 30/09/2008
Funding Amount: 41 lakhs
The study, implemented by Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability, analyzes the social sector budgeting and polices in the States of Uttar Pradesh and Chhattisgarh on many flagship developmental schemes/ programmes specifically relevant to Children. Main focus of the study is to analyze budgetary and policy priorities of the Union Government and the role of public investments in realizing children’s rights in India. The issues covered under the study: Health, Sanitation, Nutrition, Education. The published study is available in the public domain as “Budgeting for Change Series (2011)” and can be accessed by
6. Research Study title: “Gender Responsive Budgeting in Water and Sanitation: Study of Two Resettlement Colonies in Delhi”, (Completed in 2011)
Donor : IDRC Canada
Position: Co-Principal Investigator
Duration: 01/04/2010 till 31/07/2011
Funding Amount: 3.80 lakhs
The study analyses the situation of urban water and sanitation polices in Delhi and its implementation in various slums areas. The low level of allocation and utilizations of municipal budgets along with other constraints at the implementation levels have affected the effective level of service delivery and hence there is dire needs of changing public policy designs of policies and programmes pertain to water and sanitation in the urban settings. The study is selected as best policy paper by the Global Development Network (GDN) and was presented in the 13th GDN Annual Conference (2012) in Budapest, Hungary.
S. No. | Authors | Title of Article | Journal/Conference Details | Journal/Conference | Publication Year |
1 | Panda, Gyana Ranjan | Big Data and Public Policy Interlinkages: Exploring opportunities for Data Regulation and Challenges for the Data Privacy in India | Indian Journal of Democratic Governance, Vol 2 (2). pp 55-65, ISSN no: 2582-7731. | Journal | 2021 |
2 | Panda, Gyana Ranjan | Public Policy Reforms and Corporatisation of Agriculture: Tracing Interlinkages, possibilities and Concerns for farming Communities in India. | Indian Journal of Democratic Governance, Vol 2. pp 52-62, ISSN no: 2582-7731. | Journal | 2021 |
3 | Panda, Gyana Ranjan, Jagdish Jadhav and Madhu Bala | The study of Gender Audit to Measures Gender Biases in State Universities in Rajasthan, | Perspectives in Social Work, Vol 35 (3), pp -41-58, ISSN: 09745114. | Journal | 2021 |
4 | Panda, Gyana Ranjan and Jagdish Jadhav | Need for Gender Responsive Mobility Planning for Increasing Girls’ Enrolment in Education Institution in India, | Indian Journal of Democratic Governance, Vol 3 (1). pp 36-41, ISSN no: 2582-7731. | Journal | 2022 |
5 | Goswami, Priyank & Panda, Gyana Ranjan | Governance Network and Social Infrastructures in Jammu and Kashmir: The Study of Urban Drinking Water Services in Two Capital Cities | Journal of Polity & Society | Journal | 2022 |
6 | Panda, Gyana Ranjan | The Study of Systemic Weaknesses in Rural Sanitation in India | International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 11 (1): 243-257 | Journal | 2017 |
7 | Panda, Gyana Ranjan | Policy and Spending Priorities for Renewable Energy in India | International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences (IJRESS),8(2): 1142-1157 | Journal | 2018 |
1. The Study of Gender Biases in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs): Gender Audit of State Universities in Rajasthan.
Status: Completed
Donor: National Commission for Women
Position: Principal Investigator
Funding Amount: 3.33 lakhs
The overall aim of the proposed research study is to evaluate and review the gender mainstreaming programmes and policies implemented by the HIEs in Rajasthan (State Government Universities) in order to gauge the extent to which such policies have been institutionalized.
2. Assessment of Policy Priorities for Low Carbon Economy in India
Status: Ongoing
Donor: University Grants Commission (UGC) Major Research Project
Position: Principal Investigator
Funding Amount: 8.52 lakhs
To examine relevant national policies and expenditure priorities for various low carbon ministries and departments at the Government of India level in the post National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) phase which are targeted for reducing carbon emissions through various mitigation-centric national missions and other Centrally Sponsored Schemes which are instrumental in furthering the objectives of Low Carbon Economy in the country.
3. The Comparative Study of International Political Economy: Perspectives of Financing the Clean Energy Sector in Select Countries (India, China and Brazil)
Status: Ongoing
Donor: Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)
Position: Principal Investigator
Funding Amount: 20 lakhs
The proposed project aims at unraveling the international political economy (IPE) perspectives of financing of clean energy in select countries such as India, China and Brazil. The economies of these BRICS block are closely tied with global energy security. The carbon-intensive economies of these selected countries would pose a significant challenge to the existing global climate change mitigation framework, as global communities gear towards renegotiating the framework to contain the global temperature within 20C by 2020. Hence there is a need for financing clean energy in the BRICs countries.
4. Legislative Policy-making on Climate Justice in India: The Study of parliamentary businesses, practices and oversights since Thirteen Lok Sabha (2009 to 2019)
Status: Completed
Position: Principal Investigator
Funding Amount: 6 lakhs
The proposed project aims at unraveling the climate change discourse in the Parliament fo Indian from Kyoto Protocol onwards.
5. DST Sponsored -CPR "STI Financing Understanding Policy and Investment Priorities for STI Sector at the Sub-national Level.”
Status: Ongoing
Donor: DST -Government of India
Position: Co- Principal Investigator
Funding Amount: 28 lakhs (First Year)
The proposed project aims at undertake the expenditure review of the Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) in western states in India.
- Gyana Ranjan Panda, Attended 15days online Refresher Course on Social Science oragnsied by UGC HRDC, JNVU, Jodhpur from 15th January to 29th January 2022
- Gyana Ranjan Panda, Presented a paper on “Data Driven Policy Making and Digital Governance for enhancing human security in India”, in IIHSG International Conference 2022 on Human security & Governance (2022-02-23). (International)
- Gyana Ranjan Panda, Delivered invited Lecture on “Understanding scope and relevance of big data analytics in redefining social science research” in the “online faculty development program on recent advances in political science and international relations” Held on 13/12/2021 to 19/12/2021 organized by Fakir Mohan University– Human Resource Development centre, Fakir Mohan university, Balasore, Odisha. (2021-12-18)
- Gyana Ranjan Panda, Delivered a invited lecture on the topic entitled demystifying policy and politics inter linkages in contemporary society in the online “faculty Development program on recent advances in political science and international relations” held on 13/12/2021 to 19/12/2021 organized by Fakir Mohan University – human resource development centre. (2021-12-19).
- Gyana Ranjan Panda, Delivered invited lecture on “Policy Analysis Exercises for Social Sciences” in SSN Government college, Balaghat, Madhya Pradesh (2022-03-21)
- Gyana Ranjan Panda (2018), Orientation Programme on 15th National Youth Parliament, organised by Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, in Mahavaleswar, Maharashtra, April 10-11, 2018.
- Gyana Ranjan Panda (2018), Invited Lecture in Wuhan University, China, on Legislature and Policy-Making in India, Department of Political Science, Wuhan University, 12th June 2018.
- Gyana Ranjan Panda (2018), Participated in the 22nd Wanshou Forum: “BRICS Pragmatic Cooperation in the framework of Global Economic Governance”, which is also the 2nd “BRICS Think-Tank Forum on Pragmatic Cooperation”, on June 23-24, 2018 in Fudan University, Shanghai, China.
- Gyana Ranjan Panda (2017), Governance and Digitalisation: The Study of Diagnostic Approach to Corruption in Social Sector Public Service Delivery in India, National Seminar on Combating Corruption: The Discourse of Developmental Democracy vis-à-vis Bureaucracy, Department of Political Science, University of Kerala, October 24-26, 2017.
- Gyana Ranjan Panda (2017), Presented paper entitled “The Study of “Systemic Weaknesses” in Rural Sanitation in India: Policy Learning for Swachha Bharat Mission in the National Seminar on Swatchha Bharat Mission: Implication for Public Health and Sanitation from 16-17th March 2017 held at the Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi
- Gyana Ranjan Panda (2017), Attended four week Refresher Course in Research Methodology in Human Resources Development Centre, in Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi from 13-02-2017 to 10-03-2017.
- Gyana Ranjan Panda (2017), (Invited Lecture Delivered) Acted as a resource person and delivered lecture Topic: How to Write Research Proposal? in the ten days ICSSR sponsored Research Methodology Course for PhD scholars in Social Sciences held from 8th May to 17th May, 2017 at Central University of Rajasthan.
- Gyana Ranjan Panda (2017), (Invited Lecture Delivered) Acted as a resource person and delivered lecture Topic: How to Write Grants Proposal ? in the ten days ICSSR sponsored Research Methodology Course for PhD scholars in Social Sciences held from 8th May to 17th May, 2017 at Central University of Rajasthan.
- Gyana Ranjan Panda (2014), Invited speaker and presented a paper titled as "Inter-linkage between Public Policy and Public Provisioning: Experiences of UPA Regime Performances in Key Social Sector Programmes"on National Seminar on ‘Reviewing Public Provisioning in Basic Services and Infrastructures: Country Experiences and Outcomes’ during September 25-26, 2014 at Guwahati.
- Gyana Ranjan Panda (2015), Invited speaker and presented a paper titled as "Policy and Spending Priorities for Renewable Energy in India", in a Department of Science and Technologies (DST) sponsored International Workshop “Bridging Development Divide for Inclusive Growth through Science, Technology and Innovation” Organised by BaBa Saheb Ambedkar University, Lucknow, India on 16-17th January, 2015.
- Gyana Ranjan Panda (2014), Participated in Three Day Training cum workshop on Testing and Evaluation and Item Writing conducted by National Testing Service-India and Central University of Rajasthan from 4th-6th November 2014.
- Gyana Ranjan Panda (2014), Participated in International Workshop on Impact Evaluation organized by Asian Development Bank and International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) from September 1‐5, 2014 at the Asian Development Bank HQ, Manila, Philippines.
- Gyana Ranjan Panda (2015), Participated in the Orientation Programme in UGC-Academic Staff College, Jawaharlal Nehru University (23-02-2015 to 20-03-2015).
- Gyana Ranjan Panda (2014), "International Conference on Making Evaluation Matter", Asian Development Bank (ADB) and International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) being organized in Manila, Philippines from September 1‐5, 2014 at the Asian Development Bank HQ, 6 ADB Avenue, Manila, Philippines.
- Gyana Ranjan Panda (2015), "Policy and Spending Priorities for Renewable Energy in India", DST sponsored International Workshop “Bridging Development Divide for Inclusive Growth through Science, Technology and Innovation” Organised by BBA Central University, Lucknow, India on 16-17th January, 2015.
- Dr. Gyana Ranjan Panda delivered a lecture in the Popular Lecture Series in Department of English on “Budget and Budgetary Processes in the Parliament of India”, held on February 19, 2014.
- Gyana Ranjan Panda (2014), Presented “Gender, Agriculture and State Climate Actions Plan,” National Consultation Orgnaised by Alternatives Future in India International Centre on 13th March 2014.
- Gyana Ranjan Panda (2013), Presented “ Priorities in Budgets for Adaptation to Climate Change”, in Workshop organised by Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA) on 3rd December 2013.
- Gyana Ranjan Panda (2013), Presented Gender and State Actions Plan in Madhya Pradesh, in a Interdepartmental Round Table Workshop on Gender and State Action Plan on Climate Change oragnsied by Alternative Futures & Developmental Research and Communication with Environmental and Planning Coordination Organisation (EPCO) Government of Madhya Pradesh, September 23-24, 2013.
- Gyana Ranjan Panda attended “National Convention on People’s Expectation on Budgeting for the New Government” organised by People’s Budget Initiative (PBI) on October 24-25, 2013.
- Gyana Ranjan Panda (2013), "Public Provisioning in Water and Sanitation Services for Urban Slums in Delhi", UGC sponsored National Seminar “Shifting Gears: Jumpstarting a Slowing Indian Economy”, 14-15 January 2013, Organised by Department of Economics, Delhi College of Arts & Commerce, University of Delhi.
- Gyana Ranjan Panda (2013) “Best Practices of the Parliamentary Budget Process in India: Experiences of Parliament and State Legislatures”, PILDAT Series on Parliamentary Budget Reforms in Pakistan, paper presented in Lahore and Islamabad (Pakistan) on February 19-20, 2013. See
- Gyana Ranjan Panda (2012), “Gender Responsive Budgeting in water and sanitation sector: the study of Two Resettlement Colonies in Delhi”, Presented in the 13th Annual Global Development Conference in Budapest, Hungary from 16-18th June 2012.
- Resource person in “Social Accountability School on Public Financial Management (PFM)” in Chitwan, Nepal from 19th January -23rd January 2012, jointly organized by Pro-Public Nepal and World Bank Nepal.
- Resource person in South Asia Alliances for Budget Accountability (SAABA)’s Orientation Workshop on Federal Budgets of Pakistan held on 1st July to 3rd July 2010 in Kathmandu, Nepal (OXFAM Novib supported).
- Resource person for South Asia Alliances for Budget Accountability (SAABA's) Orientation Workshop on Budgets of Afghanistan held on 18th and 21st July 2010 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (OXFAM Novib supported).
- Resource Person and also coordinated Regional WaterAid (UK)-CBGA Budget Advocacy Training Program in Bangladesh (participants from Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh and India participated), held on 4th-5th July 2009, Dhaka.
- Resource person in the capacity building workshop with the Policy Makers and Parliamentarian of Afghanistan on “Budget and Legislature: A Comparative Analysis of India and Afghanistan.” The process was facilitated by USAID in Le Meridian Hotel (New Delhi, India).
- Resource person in the capacity building workshop for the officials of Ministry of Finance from Afghanistan on “Integrating Gender in the Budgetary Processes of Afghanistan”. The Process was facilitated by GTZ (Afghanistan) in Gurgaon (India), held on 8-10 October 2010.
- Resource Person and Trainer for South Asia Alliances for Budget Accountability (SAABA)‟s Advanced Workshop on Budget and Budgetary Processes of Afghanistan, Kathmandu, Nepal which was held on 14 to 17th October 2010. (It was organised by Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA, New Delhi) and supported by OXFAM-Novib)
- Resource Person, Trainer and facilitators in the NGO Federation of Nepal organised Training of Trainers (ToT) on Budget Analysis and Advocacy organised on 16th and 17th December 2010 at Kathmandu, Nepal.
- Resource Person and also coordinated the WaterAid (UK)-CBGA Regional Budget Advocacy Training Program at South Asian level (participants from Nepal, Pakistan and India participated), held on 21- 28th June 2008 in Kathmandu, Nepal.
- Resource Person and also coordinated the WaterAid (UK)-CBGA Budget Advocacy Training Program in Bangladesh, held on 13-17th October 2008 in Dhaka.
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