Page 97 - CURAJ Information Handbook for SC ST Cell
P. 97

growing  opportunities  at  the  national  and  international  levels  in  the  context  of  the  new
            economic order.


            (i) Any student with disabilities who has been admitted to M.Phil./Ph.D. degree in a University
            or academic institution by completing the required formalities for admission at that University
            or  academic  institution  is  eligible  for  the  award  of  Fellowship  subject  to  provision  of  the

            (ii) After two years, if the progress in the research work of the awardee is found satisfactory,
            his/her  tenure  will  be  extended  for  a  further  period  of  three  years  as  Senior  Research
            Fellowship (SRF). The research work will be assessed by a three member committee set up by
            the University. The committee will consist of the Supervisor, Head of the Department and one
            outside expert in the subject. JRF may be terminated in case the progress of the candidate is not
            found satisfactory by the committee. The SRB"' shall be sanctioned on year to year basis on the
            recommendation of the Supervisor of the candidate duly accepted/rejected by the Head of the
            Department and finally approved by the Vice Chancellor. The total period of award of JRF and

            SRF shall not exceed a period of five years. The fellowship is paid from date of registration of
            the students in M.Phil./Ph.D. course but not earlier than 1st April, 2012 i.e. date of effect of the

            (iii)  The  students  with  disabilities  once  considered  eligible  for  the  fellowship  shall  not  be
            entitled to any other benefits from Central or State Government or any other body like UGC
            offering similar benefit to avoid duplication and increased coverage. Only those doing regular
            and full time M.Phil. /Ph.D. course of a University/Research Institution shall be eligible for the
            fellowship.  Employees  Institution/Central/State/UT  Government  shall  be  excluded  from
            availing Fellowship, even if they are on of any University/College/ Educational Study Leave or
            EOL to pursue the M.Phil./Ph.D. course

            16.4 NO. OF FELLOWSHIPS:

            (i) The total number of fellowships to be awarded to the students with disabilities under the
            scheme is 200 (Junior Research Fellows, JRF) every year. In case of non-availability of adequate
            number of PwD candidates, the number of fellowships not availed during a year will be carried
            forward to the next academic session.

            (ii) In case, the number of candidates exceeds the number of available awards, the UGC will
            select the  candidates  based on  the  percentage  of marks obtained by the  candidates  in their

            Post-Graduation examination.
            16.5 DURATION OF FELLOWSHIP:

                 Name of the Course          Maximum duration            Admissibility of JRF and SRF
                                                                       JRF                 SRF
              M.Phil                                2 years          2 years               NIL
              Ph.D                                  5 years          2 years        Remaining 3 years
              M.Phil + Ph.D                         5 years          2 years        Remaining 3 years
            16.6 RATE OF FELLOWSHIP

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