Personal Information

Dr. Kiran Kumar Tejavath

Assistant Professor

M.Sc. (Biochemistry), Ph.D. University of Hyderabad


Application of Nanotechnology as Drug Delivery Systems carrying Anticancer Agents. Specific interest on Natural products and Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma.

Education Qualifications:

Secondary Education: 


Percentage: 75.5                                            Year:  1997

School Name:  Rama Krishna High School



Percentage: 80.5                                            Year: 1999

Name of the Institute: APRJC, Nagarjuna Sagar, Guntur


Bachelor's Degree: B.Sc

Subjects: Zoology, Genetics, Chemistry

Percentage: 78.27                              Year: 2003

Name of the institute: Nizam College, Osmania University


Master Degree: M.Sc                       

Subject: Biochemistry

Percentage: 87.8                                Year: 2006

University: University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad


Subject: Biochemistry                        Year of Award: 21 Feb 2012

Thesis Title: Studies on some biologically important proteins from Moringa oleifera seeds

Institute: University of Hyderabad. Hyderabad,

Fellowship: NET with JRF    NET Subject: Life Science    Year: 10.05.2006


Teaching Experience:

Name of University: Central University of Rajasthan

Designation: Assistant Professor                  Status: Regular/Permanent                           Pay Matrix: 12

From: 28.05.2013                                To: Till Date


Post Graduate & Under Graduate Courses Taught:

Biochemistry, Human Physiology, Developmental Biology, Immunology, Molecular Medicine Microbiology, Introductory to Biology, Ecology, Evolution, IPR, Nanobioscience, Diversity of life, Introductory Biology

Mentor:   M.Sc 2021-2023 Batch

Ph.D. Students:       02-Completed                                       03- Ongoing

M.Sc Project Students: 35-Completed                                 02- Ongoing

Research carried in Dr. Kiran Kumar Tejavath’s lab emphases on BioNanoScience branch of nanotechnology. The lab is concerned about formulating nano drug delivery systems for carrying natural products, nutraceuticals and drugs to disease sites. The diseases focused are both non-communicable and communicable human diseases. Non-communicable disease focuses on cancer and communicable is parasite related diseases.

In view of non-communicable disease, the lab looks into liver, breast, lung and pancreatic cancer. At present mainly focusing on pancreatic cancer (PC) as the biological model, specifically pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). PDAC is an exocrine type of PC that constitutes about 90% of the PC occurring in patients. Currently the mortality rate of PDAC is approximately 94% around the world and 96% in India. The high mortality related to PDAC is due to lack of effective treatments available for it, hence there is a need for searching therapy options that can improve the prognosis of PDAC. Thus, the goal of the lab is to develop new therapy options against PDAC by understanding its mechanisms and responses to variety of treatments and contributing in reduction of the lethality of PDAC.

Simultaneously, in case of communicable diseases the lab is concerned for designing drug delivery systems for fighting parasitic diseases that use human as one of the hosts in completing its life cycle. These drugs delivered in form of nanodrugs will ultimately relate to improved treatment and reduced toxicity to humans so as to contribute to the better living of the disease carrying individuals.

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S. No. Authors Title of Article Journal/Conference Details Journal/Conference Publication Year
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1. "Studies on inhibition of SHP2/PTPN11 pathway to overcome chemo-resistance in PDAC using targeted combination therapy" 2023 - Ongoing. PI: Dr. Kiran Kumar Tejavath; Funding agnecy: DST-SERB (Ongoing).

2. “Investigating Anticancer Potential of Biosynthesized Silver Nanoparticles and Polymeric Nanoparticles Using Medicinal Plants of Rajasthan, INDIA”  03 Feb 2017-02 Feb 2020. PI: Dr. Kiran Kumar Tejavath;  Grant Amount: Rs. 45,71,000.00  Funding Agency: SERB.  (Completed).

3. “Heavy metal removal and conformational stability of the Moringa oleifera coagulant protein (MOCP) a homodimeric protein from Moringa oleifera” 18 July 2014 to 31 March  2017  PI: Dr. Kiran Kumar Tejavath; Grant Amount: Rs.6,00,000.00; Funding Agency: UGC. (Completed)​.