Personal Information

Dr. Sudhir Kumar Garhwal
M. A., M.Phil. and Ph.D. from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), UGC NET-JRF & SRF
- Regional Security Complex Approach
- Geopolitical Issues of South and Central Asia
- International Relations
- Indian Government and Politics
- Comparative Politics
- Qualifications: M.A. in Politics (Specialization in International Relations) from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), M.Phil. and Ph.D. from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), UGC NET-JRF & SRF.
- Experience: Worked as Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi from 20th July 2018 to 26th October 2022. Currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Policy, Law & Governance, School of Social Sciences, Central University of Rajasthan since 27th October 2022.
- Publications: Research Articles-5; Book Chapters- 1
- Ph.D.: Awarded from Centre for Inner Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on the topic “South Asian Regional Security Complex: Sino-Russian Engagement in Post 9/11 Afghanistan” in the field of International Studies.
- M.Phil.: Completed from Centre for Inner Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University on the topic “A Regional Security Complex Approach to Geopolitics of Afghanistan”.
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International Seminars/Conferences:
- Presented a paper titled “Soft Power Geopolitics in Afghanistan: A Comparative Approach of India and China” in an International Conference on “Indo-Afghan Relations: Evaluating the Development and Strategic Partnership” organized by (CSIRD, Kolkata), (ASI, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi), (IFPS, University of Calcutta), and (ICSSR, Eastern Regional Centre, Kolkata) on 21st and 22nd March, 2017 at the Academy of International Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.
National Seminars/Conferences:
- Presented a paper titled “India's Geopolitical Approach Towards Afghanistan” in a National Seminar on “India’s Foreign Policy in the International System: Technical Terminology” organized by Department of Political Science and Nehru Studies Centre in collaboration with Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, held on 28-29 November 2015 at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur.
Webinar, Workshop & FDP:
- Attended the webinar on “Avenues in Public Health Care” organized by Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi (under the aegis of IQAC) in association with Indian Institute of Public Health- Delhi, Public Health Foundation of India on July 24, 2021.
Participated in the two days webinar on “नई शिक्षा नीति एवं आत्मनिर्भर भारतः अवधारणाएं और चुनौतियां” organized by NSS Unit, Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi on 17th and 18th August, 2020.
Participated in the Webinar on “Gender Sensitivity: Best Practices to Follow” organized by Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) and IQAC, Deshbandhu College and POSHCA (NGO empanelled with Ministry of Women and Child Development) on 15th July 2020.
- Participated in the one day National Level Webinar on “Changing Politics in International Order” organized by Department of Political Science, KLE Society’s G. I. Bagewadi College, Nipani on 11th August 2020.
Successfully completed One-Week Online Faculty Development Programme on “Development and Delivery of MOOCs and E-Content” jointly organized by Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh under the aegis of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) and IQAC, Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi, New Delhi, from 26th June, 2020 to 1st July 2020.
- Participant in the four day Virtual International Workshop on “Current Trajectory of India’s Foreign Policy” organised by the Department of Political Science, Shaheed Bhagat Singh (Evening) College, University of Delhi from 17th to 20th June 2020.
Participated in the International Webinar “Role of Library in Archiving and Dissemination of Knowledge in Unprecedented Times of COVID-19” organized by the Department of History, Kalindi College, University of Delhi on Wednesday 10th June 2020.
Successfully completed Two Weeks Faculty Development Programme on "Managing Online Classes and Co-Creating Moocs:2.0" organized by Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan College, University of Delhi and sponsored by Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (Ministry of Human Resource Development) from May 18 to June 03, 2020.
Successfully completed a Four Weeks Faculty Induction/Orientation Programme for “Faculty in Universities/Colleges/Institutes of Higher Education” organized by Teaching Learning Centre Ramanujan College, University of Delhi and sponsored by Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (Ministry of Human Resource Development) from 20 January – 18 Feburary, 2023 and obtained Grade A+.
Participated in the two days (9-10 February 2023) National Conference on “Ecological Disruption and Pastoralism: Indigenous Knowledge in Ecological Restoration” organized by the Department of Social Work, Central University of Rajasthan in collaboration with Anthropological Survey of India, Ministry of Culture, Government of India.
- Worked as Member Organizing Committee in the International Conference on “Physics, Society and Technology-2019” organized by the Department of Physics & IQAC, Deshbandhu College (University of Delhi) from 17th January to 19th January 2019.
Worked as Member Organizing Committee in a Four-Week Research Methodology Workshop organized by School of Social Sciences, Central University of Rajasthan from 12th December 2022 to 23rd January 2023.
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