Page 186 - CURAJ Information Handbook for SC ST Cell
P. 186

Reiteration  of  instructions  relating  to  reservation  in  temporary  appointments  -

                   The undersigned is directed to say that as per the extant guidelines issued vide Office
            Memorandum No. 27/4/67(II)-Estt.(SCT) dated 24.09.1968, reservations are to be made for
            Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in all temporary appointments, except appointments
            which are to last for less than 45 days.

            2.     It  has  been  brought  to  the  notice  of  this  Department  by  the  Hon'ble  National
            Commission for Scheduled Tribes that the Office Memorandum dated 24.09.1968 is old and the
            instructions laid down in the OM must be reiterated. It is, therefore, reiterated that, in respect
            of  appointments  to  Central  Government  posts  and  services  there  shall  be  reservation  for
            Scheduled  Castel  Scheduled  Tribe/  Other  Backward  Class  candidates  in  temporary

            appointments which are to last for 45 days or more.
            3.     All Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations are requested to please bring the contents
            of this O.M. to the notice of all concerned for information and compliance.

                                                [DOPT OM No. 36036/3/2018- Estt. (Res.) dated 15-05-2018]

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