Page 187 - CURAJ Information Handbook for SC ST Cell
P. 187

Timely verification of Caste/Community Certificates - regarding

                   I  am  directed  to  say  that  instances  have  come  to  the  notice  where  the  pensionary
            benefits  of  employees  belonging  to  ST  category,  who  were  working  in  various  offices  and
            organizations under Central Government in the State of Tamil Nadu, have been withheld on the
            ground that their caste verification is pending from the State Government. The Parliamentary
            Standing Committee on the Welfare of the Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes (SC&ST) have
            taken a serious view of this, and has directed this Department to issue necessary guidelines to

            all  the  concerned  for  ensuring  timely  verification  of  the  Caste  Certificate  of  the  employees
            belonging to the reserved category.
            2.     It is stated that the responsibility for the issue and verification of Caste Certificate lies

            with the concerned State/UT Government. The Hon'ble Supreme Court, vide its Order dated
            2.9.1994 in the matter of in the matter of Kumari Madhuri Patil vs Addl. Commissioner, has laid
            down  the  detailed  guidelines  for  effective  verification  of  the  Caste  Certificates  of  the
            employees, so that no person, on the basis of fake caste certificate, may secure employment
            wrongfully in the Government.

            3.     DoP&T has issued various guidelines from time to time for streamlining the process of
            verification of Caste Certificate of the employees, and has requested the State/UT Governments
            for  timely  verification  of  the  same.  However,  as  mentioned  above,  instances  have  come  to
            notice that the appointing authority has taken an unduly long time in getting the caste status of
            an employee verified through the concerned State authorities which is tot2lly in contravention
            of  the  existing  instructions.  In  this  regard,  attention  is  invited  towards  the  following

            instructions of DoPT in the matter:

            (i) DoPT OM No. 36019/7/1975-Estt (SCT) dated 31.10.1975 (copy at Annexure-I) provides
            that  the  candidates  belonging  to  the  SC/ST  category  have  to  produce  a  Certificate  in  the
            prescribed  form  issued  by  one  of  the  prescribed  authorities  in  support  of  their  claim  of
            belonging to a SC/ST. Where such a candidate is unable to produce a Certificate from any of the
            prescribed authorities, he may he appointed provisionally on the basis of whatever prima facie
            proof  he  is  able  to  produce  in  support  of  his  claim  subject  to  his  furnishing  the  prescribed
            Certificate  within  a  reasonable  time,  and  if  there  is  genuine  difficulty  in  his  obtaining  a
            Certificate,  the  appointing  authority  should  itself  verify  his  claims  through  the  District
            Magistrate concerned.

            (ii) DoPT OM No. 36011/16/80-Estt (SCT) dated 27.2.1981 (copy at Annexure-II) provides that
            the verification of caste status at every important upturn of employees career is necessary, as
            an SC candidate may lose his status of SC if he embraces a religion other than Hinduism and

            Sikhism (DoPT OM No. 36011/3/2005-Estt (Res) dated 9.9.2005 provides that an SC candidate
            loses his SC status if he embraces a religion other than Hinduism, Sikhism or Buddhism).
            (iii) DoPT, vide letter No. 36022/1/2007 - Estt (Res) dated 20.3.2007 (copy at Annexure-III),

            have  requested  the  State/UT  Governments  to  issue  instructions  to  the  District
            Magistrates/District Collectors/Deputy Commissioners of the districts to the effect that they

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