Page 188 - CURAJ Information Handbook for SC ST Cell
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should ensure at their own level that veracity of the Caste/Community certificate referred to
            the district authorities is verified and reported to the appointing authority within one month of
            receipt  of  request  from  such  authority.  The  State/UT  Governments  were  also  requested  to
            initiate disciplinary proceedings against the officers who default in timely verification of Caste

            (iv)  DoPT,  vide  letter No.  41034/3/2012-Estt  (Res)  dated  11.4.2012  (copy  at  Annexure-IV),
            have reiterated the above instructions dated 20.3.2007 requesting the State/UT Governments
            to  issue  instructions  to  the  concerned  district  authorities  to  ensure  veracity  of  the
            Caste/Community Certificate referred to them and report the same to the appointing authority
            within  one  month  of  receipt  of  request  from  such  authority.  This  letter  also  conveys  the

            directions of the Parliamentary Committee at that time on the Welfare of SCs and STs that the
            State/UT Governments may constitute a District-Level Committee in each District which may
            hold regular meetings to ensure timely verification of Caste Certificates.

            (v) DoPT OM No. 36011/l/2012-Estt (SCT) dated 8.10.2015 (copy at Annexure-V) reiterates
            the earlier instructions on timely and effective verification of the Caste Certificate so that the
            benefit of reservation and other scheme of concessions etc. go only to the rightful claimants.

            (vi)  DoPT  letter  No.  36011/1/2012-Estt  (SCT)  dated  14.3.2016  (copy  at  Annexure-VI)
            addressed to all State/UT Government again reiterates the earlier instructions on verification
            of Caste Certificate within a reasonable time.

            4.     In  view  of  the  above,  all  State/UT  Governments  are  again  requested  that  the  above-
            mentioned instructions may be brought to the notice of all the concerned officers, and it may
            be ensured that the process of caste verification is completed within a reasonable time, and the
            concerned appointing authorities are informed about the veracity of the Caste Certificate of the
            candidates/employees  within  one  month  of  the  receipt  of  such  request  from  the  concerned
            appointing authority.

            5.     This issues with the approval of Secretary (P).

                                               [DOPT OM No. 41034/4/2020- Estt. (Res.-I) dated 19-03-2021]

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