Page 92 - CURAJ Information Handbook for SC ST Cell
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the scholar secures admission after the 20th day of a month, the amount will be paid
                   from the month following the month of admission. The maintenance allowance shall be
                   payable  for  twelve  months  in  an  academic  year  for  pre-matric  and  post-matric

            (vi)   In  case  of  renewal  of  scholarships  awarded  in  the  previous  years,  maintenance
                   allowance will be paid from the month following the month up to which scholarship was
                   paid in the previous year, if the course of study is continuous.

            (vii)  Scholarship will not be paid for the period of internship /houseman ship in the M.B.B.S.
                   course or for a practical training in other courses if the student is in. receipt of some
                   remuneration  during  the  internship  period  or  some  allowance/  stipend  during  the
                   practical training in other course.


            a)     The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities will announce the details
                   of  the  scheme  and  invite  applications  by  issuing  an  advertisement  in  the  leading
                   newspapers  and  through  the  websites  and  other  media  outfits.  Applications  will  be
                   called for through National Scholarship Portal (

            b)     The applicants should submit their application through the on-line system within the
                   last date prescribed for receipt of applications. All requisite documents like photograph,
                   proof of age, disability certificate, income certificate of the parent, tuition fees receipt,

                   last  academic  qualification  certificate,  etc.  duly  filled  in  the  prescribed  format  are
                   required  to  be  uploaded  in  the  on-line  system,  if  the  scholarship·  amount  including
                   tuition fee is more than Rs. 50,000/- per annum. In case the total scholarship amount is
                   less than Rs. 50,000/-  supporting documents may be kept in safe custody of Head of
                   School /Institution, keeping in view the connectivity issue that exist in far flung areas.
                   [This is as per minutes of the meeting of Committee of Secretaries (CoS) held under the
                   Chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary on 17th June, 2016 to discuss issues pertaining to
                   Harmonization of Scholarship Schemes].

            c)     The institutions in which the candidate is studying shall also register itself in the same
                   website and verify the details provided by the candidates. The nodal officer nominated
                   by the  State shall oversee all the  applications and process the  same on behalf of the

                   State Government who shall digitally sign the final list in PFMS portal for disbursal of
                   scholarship amount to the beneficiaries.

            d)     Final  selection  will  be  done  by  the  Department  of  Empowerment  of  Persons  with
                   Disabilities based on the recommendations of the concerned Department of the State
                   Government considering, inter alia, the no. of slots available to that particular State. The
                   no. of slots available to any State is decided on the basis of percentage of population of
                   PWDs of that State in comparison to the total PWD population of India.

            e)     In case a candidate is a permanent resident of one State but studying in another State,
                   his application will be considered under the slot of his home State and his application

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