Page 94 - CURAJ Information Handbook for SC ST Cell
P. 94

eligible as per the terms and conditions of the scheme, the unutilized slots can be utilized by
            selecting suitable male candidates.


            The scholarship will include the following:

            S. No.  Components of Scholarship                                  Rate per awardee
              1     Reimbursement  of  tuition  fees  and  non-refundable  Up  to  Rs.  2.00  lakh  –  per
                    charges paid/ payable to the Institute                     annum  (subject  to  actual
              2     Maintenance Allowance                                      Rs.  3,000/-  per  month  for
                                                                               hostellers,  Rs.  1,500/-  per
                                                                               month for day-scholars
              3     Special Allowances (related to types of disabilities like  Rs. 2,000/- per month
                    reader  allowance,  escort  allowance,  helper  allowance
              4     Books & Stationery                                         Rs. 5,000/- per annum
              5     Reimbursement of expenses for purchase of a computer  Rs.  30,000/-  as  a  one-time
                    with accessories.                                          grant for entire course
              6     Reimbursement  of  expenses  for  purchase  of  Aids  and  Rs.  30,000/-  as  a  one-time
                    Assistive Devices including necessary software related  grant for entire course
                    to the particular disability of the selected candidate

            The aids and assistive devices may include-

            For the blind/ low vision –

            (i)    Braille / Brailer Typewriter

            (ii)   Laptop with Screen reading software
            (iii)   Laptop with Screen Magnification software

            (iv)   Talk software for mobile phone accessibility

            (v)    DAISY Recorder and player

            For the hearing impaired –

            (i)    Binaural digital programmable hearing aid with provision for button cells.

            (ii)   Cell phone with SMS SIM Card

            (iii)   Laptop with WiFi (Blue Tooth) facility.

            The list of the Reputed Premier Institution to be covered under the Scheme is at Annexure- II.
            Any addition or deletion to this list shall be notified by the Department of Empowerment of
            Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, as

            and  when  required.  Scholarship  under  this  scheme  shall  not  be  admissible  for  pursuing
            distance-learning/part-time/week-end courses under any stream.
            One time award - The award cannot be considered for the award for second or subsequent

            times as the individual can be awarded only for once.

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