Page 95 - CURAJ Information Handbook for SC ST Cell
P. 95


            The duration of the award of the scholarship shall be ordinarily for four/ five/ two years or as
            per the approved tenure of the course in which the candidate has got admission.

            a.     The  award  once  made  will  be  tenable  from  the  stage  at  which  it  is  given  to  the
                   completion of course subject to good conduct and regularity in attendance.
            b.     It will be renewed from year to year provided that within a course which is continuous
                   for  a  number  of  years,  the  scholar  secures  promotion  to  the  next  higher  class
                   irrespective of the fact whether such examinations are conducted by a University or the
            c.     If a scholar is unable to appear in the annual examination owing to illness and or on
                   account  of  any  other  unforeseeable  event,  the  award  may  be  renewed  for  the  next

                   academic  year  on  submission  of  medical  certificate  and/or  other  required  sufficient
                   proof to the satisfaction of the Head of the Institution and his/her certifying that the
                   scholar would have passed had he appeared in the examination.
            d.     If according to the Regulations of a University /Institution, a student is promoted to the
                   next higher class even though he/ she may not have actually passed in lower class and is
                   required to take examination. of the junior class again after sometime, he/ she will be
                   entitled  to  scholarship  for  the  class  to  which  he/  she  is  promoted  if  the  student  is
                   otherwise eligible for scholarship.

            15.6 OTHER CONDITIONS:

            (i)    The scholarship is dependent on the satisfactory progress and conduct of the scholar. If
                   it is reported by the Head of the Institution at any time that a scholar has by reasons of
                   his/her  own  act  of  default  failed  to  make  satisfactory  progress  or  has  been  guilty  of
                   misconduct  such as  resorting to  or participating in strikes,  irregularity in attendance
                   without the permission of the authorities concerned etc., the authority sanctioning the
                   scholarship may either cancel the scholarships or stop or withhold further payment for

                   such period as it may think fit.
            (ii)   If  a  student  is  found  to  have  obtained  a  scholarship  by  false  statements,  his/her
                   scholarship will be cancelled forthwith and the amount of the scholarship paid will be
                   recovered,  at  the  discretion  of  the  Department  of  Empowerment  of  Persons  with
                   Disabilities,  Government  of  India.  The  student·  concerned  will  be  blacklisted  and
                   debarred for scholarship in any scheme forever.
            (iii)   A  scholarship  awarded  may  be  cancelled  if  the  scholar  changes  the  subject  of  the  ·
                   course of study for which the scholarship was originally awarded unless such change, in

                   course of study has been approved by the Department of Empowerment of Persons with
            (iv)   A scholar is liable to refund the scholarship amount at the discretion of the Department
                   of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Government of India, if during the course
                   of the year, the studies for which the scholarship has been awarded, is discontinued by
            (v)    Maintenance  allowance  is  payable  from  1st  April  or  from  the  month  of  admission,
                   whichever is later, to the month in which the examinations are completed, at the end of

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