Page 96 - CURAJ Information Handbook for SC ST Cell
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the academic year (including maintenance allowance during holidays), provided that if
                   the scholar secures admission after the 20th day of a month, the amount will be paid
                   from the month following the month of admission.
            (vi)   In  case  of  renewal  of  scholarships  awarded  in  the  previous  yeare,  maintenance
                   allowance will be paid from the month following the month up to which scholarship was
                   paid in the previous year, if the course of study is continuous.

            15.7 REVIEW AND MONITORING:

            The  progress  of  implementation  of  the  scheme  will  be  reviewed  by  a  Steering  Committee
            consisting of the following –

             a)    Secretary, Department of Empowerment  Chairperson  of Persons  with  Chairperson
             b)    Joint Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities,               Member
             c)    Joint  Secretary  &  Financial  Adviser  (in-  charge  of  Department  of  Member
                   Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities)
             d)    Joint Secretary(TD), Min. of Tribal Affairs                                 Member
             e)    Joint Secretary (SCD), Deptt. of SJ&E                                       Member
             f)    Joint Secretary, Department of Higher Education                             Member
             g)    Joint Secretary, Department of Medical Education, Min. of Health & FW       Member
             h)    A representative of the UGC                                                 Member
             i)    Director / Dy. Secretary concerned in Department of Empowerment of  Convener
                   Persons with Disabilities
            The Committee may invite an expert as a special invitee, as and when it deems necessary.

            The  Committee  may  recommend  to  the  Department  of  Empowerment  of  Persons  with

            Disabilities about addition or deletion of any institution based on their performance. For the
            purpose, the committee may take into account the recommendations of the concerned bodies
            conducting  entrance  examination  for  admissions  into  such  courses  or  having  the
            administrative control over such institutes.

            The Committee may periodically review of performance of the selected institutes on the basis
            of the academic results.

            16.1 SCOPE:

            The scheme caters total number of 200 Fellowship (Junior Research Fellows, JRF) per year to

            students  with  disabilities.  The  scheme  covers  all  universities/institutions  recognized  by  the
            University Grants Commission (UGC) and shall be implemented by the UGC itself on the pattern
            of  the  scheme  of  UGC  Fellowship  being  awarded  to  research  students  pursuing  M.Phil.  and

            16.2 OBJECTIVES:

            (a)  To  provide  financial  assistance  to  the  students  with  disabilities  for  pursuing  higher
            education leading to degrees such as M.Phil. and Ph.D. in India.
            (b)  To  enable  PwDs  to  be  eligible  for  employment  to  the  posts  of  Lecturers  lying  vacant  in

            various  college  and  universities  but  will  equip  them  to  effectively  to  take  advantage  of  the

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